December 6, 2007
It is very painful. You will become nauseated and foam starts to form. The
best thing to fix it is to force drink water and the stuck particle will
eventually come up.
December 6, 2007
when I get stuck it feels like a ball is sitting in the middle of my chest.
Yes it hurts. It usually from eating too fast, or too big of a bite.
For me fliud makes it worse.
I get up and walk, I of course have to stop eating. and wait for it to
— gabluecrab
December 6, 2007
I had my open RNY on 10-8 and have had this problem a few times. I feel
like I want to vomit but I don't. I have a lot of foam and them I find when
I belch a couple of times things seem to settle and I feel better. Then I
take a couple of sips of water and things are much better. I find I have
most of this problem with meat.
— Brenda R.
December 6, 2007
I have found that chewing a couple of Tums has helped a lot. I don't have
foam, just pain. I am still learning when to stop eating. When I take one
too many bites, the pain comes. Also taking more time between bites helps.
— maintchick
December 6, 2007
Sorry to get off topic in thead, but what is the cottage cheese test?
— nansu54
December 7, 2007
I've had lap band. For me it is when it won't go all the way down and it
hurts. As someone above stated - it is from eating too big of a bite or
too fast. Sometimes it will resolve itself if you wait - but sometimes it
is easier to 'slime" it up. It is not relaly like vomiting - but
regurgitating the slimey stuck thing. It's a good warning system to SLOW
down and EAT smaller bites. CJ
December 7, 2007
It feels like someone is stabbing you in the chest. I take a gas X with
Malox, tums only made it worse for me and made me throw up and lay on my
side. That seems to help.
— Carlyn M.
December 7, 2007
It is very uncomfortable and quite painful. My chest hurts quite a bit
when this happens. Mostly when i get it, it is from not chewing enough or
too fast. I take a big gulp of something and then it comes up. I
sometimes get just an uncomfortable feeling after eating ( like a stomach
ache) so i lay on my left side and it seems to help. I don't know why, but
it does.
— missyheffelfinger
December 7, 2007
You had your surgery quite awhile ago. I'm surprised you are asking now.
I had a VSG six weeks ago and have only had a problem once when I tried a
fried egg. It hurt! I grabbed a popsicle and went for a walk and the
problem was resolved. Pat
— pjennjr
December 7, 2007
The cottage test is:
Get a small carton of cottage cheese. Eat until you are feeling full. Then
fill a measuring cup with water, pour the water inthe carton until it is
full. Then look at how many oz of water is gone from the cup. That will
tell you how many oz your stomach will hold.
— darfultz
December 8, 2007
I also have a band. It hurts in the middle of your chest when you get
stuck. I feel like I have to clear my throat constantly until the food
either goes down or comes up. Like others, it happens if I eat too fast or
take bites that are too big. My doctor tells us never drink when this
happens. He recommends walking and stretching your arms wide to open up
the chest area. Hope this helps- Marlayna
— MWiley
December 9, 2007
It horrible. It happen to me for the first time last Tues. I am 8 week post
-op today. I was eating some cheese as I was chatting online and forgot all
about eating slowly and small bites. about 15 mins later I start getting a
pain in the middle of my chest like I had a ball stuck there, I stared to
sweat, and I actually tried to make myself throw up but only foam and a
little blood came out. I got on my thread-mill and began to walk, I figured
before surgery when I was full I would take a walk and this would bring
down the fullness. After about half hour I felt the ball going down from my
chest, it took a while before I could lay down. I asked my Doc about the
blood and he told me I probably irritated my pouch from that ball of cheese
being stuck. I tell you what, once you experience this you never want to
feel it again. At least I don't, so now I pay attention to how I eat.
— Simply_Me
December 10, 2007
It one of the worse pain in the world, I get in the middle of my chest and
back, then my shoulder hurts then I go into a panic attack afraid your
having a heart attack, I had it last up to 2 days. I end up in the hospital
from begin sick and throwing up, and the pain. I now take a muscle relaxer,
panic pill, pain pill, use heating pad, hot shower and my husband rub my
back. My daughter will rock me, and sometimes I do the rub stomach like you
do for baby with gas. I try anything. I learn to eat very slow and I drink
everything in ice. You end up trying anything to make it stop. I just hope
you never get it. but meat my worse. Good luck
— carman
December 10, 2007
Try papaya enzyme. It is supposed to help dissolve stuck food. If you
cannot find it, try meat tenderizer in a cupe of water and drink. I had to
do that a couple of times. In order to brink up the food, bend over from
your waist and hopefully the food will come out of your mouth.
— KRWaters
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