Humiliated by before pictures?

I'm a bit of a lurker here -- and amazed that everyone freely posts their pictures -- particularly the before shots. I am so humiliated by my before pictures! Although I'm very happy with my results -- I don't get any pride from seeing how far I've come. I just prefer to forget the past. Do you think keeping those "before" shots are important to keep in the forefront of my mind to remain successful? --- I'm ashamed that I ever let myself go to begin with. Wondering if anyone else feels this way? Julie    — jewels3952 (posted on November 29, 2007)

November 29, 2007
Hi Julie, I am 6 years post op and I still have my before pic in my wallet. Do I show it to everyone? NO! Do I show it randomly? No... Do I keep it to remind myself from whence I came? No.... I keep it and show it so people can see the POSSIBILITY. Here on the site, it is to inspire those that are still on the journey, or haven't started yet or are still considering WLS. I will even say that when I was researching WLS here on before my surgery, I spent HOURS looking at the B&A, being inspired and giddy with the POSSIBILITY of how **I** could look "normal" post op too! =) That is why I keep my picture and I really think we put them here to inspire our peers... all the before and afters certainly inspired me. Whether B&A WLS or B&A Plastic surgery! They inspire, give hope, create faith, and open you up to the POSSIBILITIES that we sometimes cannot imagine when we are feeling soooo bad... Blessings, ChristiMNB
   — ChristiMNB

November 29, 2007
I think it very important to keep a picture so ou can see the different, you may not ee it but from week to week you will. I also very ashamed that i got to 377 pds. alot was depression and eating at night that I did not want to say I was doing. I hate the way I look even thouw I still have long way to go it helps me so I will not want to come back to that person. I even kept my largest shirt and pants. Good Luck
   — carman

November 29, 2007
I am relatively new to this forum and also only 6 weeks post my op. Like the others have mentioned, the photos have given inspiration to people like me. We cannot imagine what we could look like if we do this WLS.The other bonus is that as we loose weight , we loose sight of where we have come from, when we get depressed, the before shots are a reminder also.
   — 9plus

November 29, 2007
Sorry but I just have to correct a couple of grammatical errors. "From whence" is redundant. "Whence" means "from where" so no need to write "from," "whence" is good all by itself. And "lose" is the correct spelling as in "lose weight." It is a common error to make. Just think that you lose that extra "o" and you'll always know how to spell it! "Loose" is how your clothes fit when you have lost weight! Thanks for letting my inner spelling bee come out to play.
   — cherub13

November 29, 2007
Julie, i have lost 202# and i know how you feel about before photo. i keep mine in eyesight of my exercise equipment :):) I look at them while i exercise. it does help. But since i dont look anything like my drivers license photo, i try to keep a set in my purse. i did have one teller ask question about photo on license. Good to forget the things of our past, but good to reflect on them once in awhile too, so we dont slip up. Otherwise i dont show my before photos to new friends or strangers. glad my grandkids are small and wont remember thie "Old" grandma.
   — shalmar

November 29, 2007
Because you are ashamed of the way you looked is exactly why you need to keep the pictures around. You don't want to end up like that again. I hate my pictures but I still look at them and am amazed at how different I look and can not believe I let myself get that way. Stay with it and HAPPY WEIGHT LOSS!
   — Lost4Ever

November 29, 2007
I just want to thank all the people that have posted there before and after pictures. I am 9 days away form surgery and on the liquid diet. Everytime I feel like I want to eat, I look at the before and after pictures and seeing how everyone has changed for the better helps me forget that I want food.
   — willish

November 29, 2007
Personally, I keep a before picture in front of me all the time. Yeah, it isnt pretty. But it is also a rather brutal reminder of why I need to keep fup with eating right and exercising. I never want to be that person again. And, well, I am rather proud of what I have done. It is nice to keep reminders of that. I also keep the wristband that I had when I went in for surgery. I will sometimes put it on and just twirl it around my much smaller wrist. C
   — CChappell

November 29, 2007
I totally understand where you are coming from. I was over 450 when I had my surgery. May I make the suggestion though that you just accept where you are right now and be proud of yourself for having the courage to take the step to do something about it? I don't flaunt my before picture. I keep it with me to remind myself how far I have come and the person I used to be. The difference is most remarkable. Good luck to you!!
   — rinnchris

November 29, 2007
I am "one" who after much though and struggle decided to post my before and after pics! Am I ashamed of the before, HELL YES! would I post it on "My Space", HELL NO! Here I feel "safe" to do so, because we all share a common path in life. Do I really feel pride in posting on this web-site, not really, but like others, it is to inspire.....even myself from time to time....... As far as the importance of keeping those pics in the forefront, I think each person is unique and has differant ways of dealing with where they came from and HOW they are going to get there. You Go, Julie! Anyway you get there is ok with all of us!!!!
   — Toni Todd

November 29, 2007
i don't think anyone likes their before pictures, BUT you must remember that was you and that is your past so why be ashamed of yourself. i would not destroy all my before pictures, because that is a special part of your life even if you were "FAT", ya know? i love pictures and even though i don't enjoy looking at myself in them they are me and that is my past! just enjoy life and work towards the future, but never forget your past!! Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

November 29, 2007
Hi Julie, thanks for writing. What works for one, does not work for another. While I am not proud of my obesity, I am so thankful to God for my success, that I will keep the humility of the before picture to remind me that I don't ever want to be there again. While your pride may keep you from going back, my humility does. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

November 30, 2007
When someone posts questions to this website (which is what it's here for), and people are kind enough to answer and offer their stories and/or support, I find it appalling that someone would post a message to correct others of grammatical errors that may have been made. This site is meant to help those trying to lose weight; not win a spelling bee. I'm sorry but I think it's rude. Just my own humble opinion.
   — Michelle661

November 30, 2007
I am the same way. I threw them all away except one I found the other day. I wish I had kept one and looked at it everyday. Before I new it I was back at 100 lbs over wt and said wow how did I get here again.
   — Nurse343

November 30, 2007
Julie, I also "Lurked" on this site for awhile before deciding to join and post. I can absolutely tell you that this and my support group meetings are the only places that I feel safe enough in to be and show myself without having to worry about being judged or criticised. We're all here to learn and support each other, so please don't be so hard on yourself. Along those lines - don't worry about your spelling or grammar - the important point is the post. When I'm IM'g people I've met here the last thing we worry about is spelling and proper writing!
   — obeseforever

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