Incision on stomach from Gastric Bypass Surgery is like a lump.

Is this normal? It feels like a round ball inside    — dbobb32 (posted on October 3, 2007)

October 3, 2007
It might be . When did you have your surgery and where is the lump?
   — Christine M.

October 3, 2007
sounds like scar tissue to me
   — byHizgrc

October 3, 2007
As an RN and a recent post-op...yes it is normal. More than likely it's a little hematoma (bruise) with scar tissue. I have one on my right upper incision too right now. I had an appointment with the surgeon yesterday and he siad it was just that and that incision was where most of the intrusion/work was done. Warm compresses and light massage (by you) should help alleviate it. You should also let your surgeon know about it. Take care!
   — Tomi D.

October 3, 2007
Almost 2 yrs post op I still have a lump as do my friends. However as with anything yu question medically make sure you ask your doctor at your next visit or sooner if it starts bothering you. Best wishes-Heather
   — tazthewiz23

October 8, 2007
I had the same lump, and I would say yes it's normal. It will slowly go away. I mean slowly.
   — jazzy_msredd

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