Do wls patients who have a tummy tuck have a higher success rate?

I am almost 6 months post op and have lost 70 pounds. I only have about 18 pounds left to loose. I exercise regularly and am working on my head issues to ensure I keep healthy and maintain my weight loss. But I am now wondering if wls patients who have tummy tucks are more successful at keeping their weight off because it is an added incentive. Or has anyone who had a tuck gained their weight back anyway?    — deeport (posted on February 24, 2007)

February 24, 2007
I've seen people who gain it back even after the skin surgeries. I think the success all hinges on changing bad habits and never going back on them. Personally, at 8 months out, I've worked hard on getting past the head hunger, know what set me off (depression, binging, etc) and getting around those things. I now allow myself small tastes of those things that I used to dive into because I know that if I don't let myself have a taste then I'm going to fall off and mega binge. I won't let myself get big again and I have hopefully used the past few months of relearning and retrianing myself to change those bad things and go forward with the healthy things. I am not one of those people that could never again allow a cookie or a potato chip or something like that pass my lips again. the key is to keep it in moderation and know when is enough as well as when to satisfy a craving in order to keep it from becoming a larger issue like a binge. I do envy you on the regular exercise though. I have had increased joint problems since my surgery due to my rheumatoid arthritis and have not been able to exercise very much.. if at all. I know that is going to be something I'll have regret but I can't help it right now until they operate on my hip... if it's not one thing it's another. Anyway.. good luck
   — oceanrayne

February 24, 2007
I am over two years post op and I have gained a few pounds back. I began my journey at 304lbs. and I currently, at 2 years and four months later weigh in at about 165. Sometimes it is a few pounds less or more, many things affect this. Sorry to ramble, but I want to tell you... My current weight is not my dream weight nor is it my lowest weight. I think my lowest weight was 154, but I have leveled off at around 162-167. That is just perfect for me, I could weigh 304! My advice to you... Choices, Choices, Choices! Choose water over coke, or diet... choose grilled over fried, choose Protein over carbs, and finally I give myself an indulgence once in a while. We are not perfect and we all need a treat once in a while! Good LUCK!
   — septembergirl73

February 26, 2007
Before you consider any cosmetic surgery, you should be at a stable weight for at least 6 months. It is entirely possible to gain weight back, lose it again, and regain. I had my abdominoplasty done two years after my WLS. I would not say that was any sort of incentive. That was, by far, the most painful surgery. Don't rush this; you have plenty of time.
   — koogy

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