Burning pain inside under my incision
4 weeks post op--- 2 days ago I started having a burning pain when I cough, turn, or bend under my incsion, inside me. Wondering what it is? — airbear762000 (posted on January 22, 2007)
January 22, 2007
Remember there are surtures inside of your too. There was a lot of work
done, this was a major surgery. Calling the doctor will ease your mind as
to whether or not it's something to be concerned or not about. Good luck,
— Diane C.
January 23, 2007
Definitely call your doctor. It could be absolutely nothing, but never
take the chance. All the best to you.
— theroses03
January 23, 2007
I had the same thing and was told it's the stitches on the inside and not
to worry. However I am not a Dr. and I don't play one on t.v.. Good luck
and I hope you get better soon.
— thegib
January 23, 2007
I had the same pain and posted about it on my profile in December. Mine
was about 2 weeks post op but it was burning like I was on fire, but
inside. Dr. said it was normal and to take the pain meds if I had pain
like that. It went away after about a week or 2. Check with your doctor
but it really sounds like normal "wear and tear" of your surgery.
— A Q.
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