amount of protein v. body weight

I know the general rule of thumb is to get 70-100 grams per day of protein but I was wondering if a larger person would lose more efficiently at the higher end of the range for protein. Basically I'm wondering if you weigh more should you have more protein? Thanks so much in advance. Denise (wt 344, 7 wks post op, typically getting around 85 gms per day)    — niecey (posted on June 2, 2006)

June 1, 2006
I would think being a little larger would not require a larger amount because overall a person has approximately the same muscle amount that would require the protein. I started at 312 and am currently 226 and have consistently taking in approximately 80 grams of protein. ALways reference to your nutritionist if needed. GOod luck with your future you! Shelly
   — scharlier

June 1, 2006
Yes larger folks need more protein, my surgeon said about 70 grams so your doing well. Faster loss is more about diet compliance, and tons of exercise
   — bob-haller

June 1, 2006
Denise, I dont have an answer to your question, but I have a relative question. How are you getting 85 grams a day, protein shakes?? I will be 8 weeks post op on Monday, run hot and cold on a daily basis with my protein intake, though I've lost about 60 pounds to date. I've found I just dont like anything anymore, including protein shakes. How are you doing it?
   — John Hoffmann

June 2, 2006
Thanks for everyone's replies. Everything about this surgery is fascinating to me. John - I drink 2 protein shakes per day of Isopure powder (25 gms) made with 8 oz. Lactaid milk (8 gms) for a total of 66 gms just from my shakes. I usually get 20 gms from food (cheese, chicken, fish, etc.)
   — niecey

June 2, 2006
I weigh around 115 but do 180g protein in supplement (with water) per day. I don't count food protein at all, don't touch milk (a 4 letter word for candy) in any form. Some use complicated measures for protein, like 1g per KG of body wt, which is like 160 for your current wt. Some use 1g per 1 lb. I think 90g in supplement (not counting milk) is a good start for most proximal RNY ppl, but they often do 150g (again, supplement counting only) if they really want to drop the wt. 2 phrases I've heard: the more I drink, the more I shrink and the more I use, the more I lose. All I know for me is I lost 100% of my EWL and am coming up on 12 yrs. I am very thoroughly proteined and vitamined, so I suspect that never having let my body know that I made this surgical alteration to it has helped with this.
   — vitalady

June 2, 2006
Thanks for this question and everybody's response. I am currently 3+ years post op (RNY 4/11/03) and lost 1/2 of my weight, and gained back 30 before taking charge and upping protein, water, and exercise. I've lost 14 of the 30, and am happy to report that I'm back on the "losing side". My question, though, is this: Is it OK to get the bulk of your protein from shakes? I heard some rumblings in my support group last week that "living on shakes" wasn't necessarily a good thing. But I'll tell ya, since I've been doing 3 shakes/day, I really feel terrific. Any advice, folks? Thanks!
   — momstah

June 2, 2006
Dawn, I only count the protein in shakes. I do eat meat, but I am not always comfortable with meats, and well, I never WAS a meat eater, much. Although the foods I like contain a bit of protein (cheese, peanuts), it's so little and of low bioavailability, I just figure my meat is chocolate. As far as being "dependent" on them? You say that like it's a bad thing. If I needed a crutch for a bad leg, would that be bad? If I need some help with an altered digestive system, is it bad? It's true that I have a radically distal RNY and MUST consume way more than others, but I don't mind in the least as I still eat 4 mini meals a day, quite normal in content, as well as my 6 proteins (30g each) per day. Some people use their ideal weight as a goal for supplement intake. For example, if your goal was 140 lbs, you'd use 140g protein supplement. That one doesn't work for me since I weigh about 115 and take in 180g, but that's what works to make me feel good and pull good lab numbers. I will increase that in 30g increments if I find the carb monster getting a grip on me, too. I will use WHATEVER tools I can to hold onto my wt loss and healthy feeling.
   — vitalady

June 2, 2006
Thanks, Michelle, for your continued input in this forum. It has helped me more times than I can count! (And thanks Carolina Girl for asking in the first place!) I'm gonna try that 140g/day (how'd you know my 'dream weight' was 140!?!?) :) Stay tuned! More will be revealed!
   — momstah

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