How soon For Surgery????

Hi.. I jus got my approval yesterday and i was just wondering if anyone has any idea about how long it will be before i have surgery? A month, 2 months??? Also what are pre-op classes??    — drunyan (posted on March 21, 2006)

March 21, 2006
I actually had my surgery 2 weeks and 2 days later. It depends on how busy your surgeons office is. Pre-op classes go over what to expect after surgery, what food to buy before your surgery, what to bring with you, nutrition, a bunch of stuff.
   — *Malena* M.

March 21, 2006
Every Dr. and hospital is different. I saw my surgeon in October and was scheduled for Dec 1st.........but if that date hadn't been available, the next date was Dec 21st! I am so glad it was overwith by Christmas and I didn't have the surgery on the 21st.
   — LauraA

March 21, 2006
Like the other two responses, every Dr. is different. As for me the day my doctor called and told me I was approved I was asked when I would like to have the surgery and was able to pick the date. Have you asked your doctor how long a wait there would be? I hope that helped.
   — hartnell

March 21, 2006
Like the other two responses, every Dr. is different. As for me the day my doctor called and told me I was approved I was asked when I would like to have the surgery and was able to pick the date. Have you asked your doctor how long a wait there would be? I hope that helped.
   — hartnell

March 21, 2006
Like the other two responses, every Dr. is different. As for me the day my doctor called and told me I was approved I was asked when I would like to have the surgery and was able to pick the date. Have you asked your doctor how long a wait there would be? I hope that helped.
   — hartnell

March 21, 2006
Like the other two responses, every Dr. is different. As for me the day my doctor called and told me I was approved I was asked when I would like to have the surgery and was able to pick the date. Have you asked your doctor how long a wait there would be? I hope that helped.
   — hartnell

March 21, 2006
I had my surgery 3 weeks after my approval. It depends how far booked up the Dr is...~MElissa
   — WannaBSlim

March 21, 2006
I was approved at the end of February and my surgery date is April 14th. It all depends on how busy your surgeon is and how your schedule fits with theirs. Good luck and congratulations.
   — classite

March 21, 2006
First of all....Congrats on your approval. Like everyone else it depends upon your Dr.'s schedual...I was approved in sept. 05, and my surgery date is 4/5/06, however i needed to stop smoking for 10 weeks prior and my Dr. has lots of patients ~good luck hope to see you on the losing side soon
   — tiffany E.

March 21, 2006
frist congrats for ur approval..i got approved within a week of my consulation,(may 30 2005) and my surgery is scheduled for the 23 of march 2006
   — sunsets292002

March 21, 2006
Dawn- it all depends on your doc's schedule and pre-op requirements- once I was approved at Kaiser CO. I had to wait till there was an opening in the pre-surgery classes (about a month) we finished the classes just before Xmas and were told either Feb or Mar. Well the doc was booked for Feb and took Mar off so my date is 4/18 - however I have used this time to read more about the surgery and become more knowledgeable and to start to implement several of the lifestyle changes. I have also attended support group meetings and lost over 30# preop so even though you might have to wait all is not lost you can do a lot to prepare during this time.
   — dabby

March 21, 2006
Dawn, it depends on the availability of the hospital and doctors schedule. I had my 'date' set for 1 week after approval and then had to be bumped 2 more weeks. It actually gave me more time to mentally prepare. Loads of wishes for you. MF
   — Micki Lloyd

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