very tired

I am 3 months post op and I am feeling very tired lately and very cold is anyone going through this please help. I am a bit scare dont drink enough protien nor water.    — evienicole (posted on February 8, 2006)

February 8, 2006
I am expiencing similar things too. I am 4 months post op - and have been so cold this winter and I am usually someone who is always hot. I have lost a total of 83lbs and my doc just said it was because i've lost 'padding'... first she thought it was thyroid because i'm also having dry skin too but my thyroid results came back normal. i've been tired lately too - and even working out 3-4 times a week at Curves. There is a new protein i found - i find it at GNC- its called Muscle Milk - its about 35g of protein in the drink. it actually tastes good. There are sOOO many bad protein drinks. I have that each morning for breakfast. on the water- i drink crystal light more than water. good luck! if you ever want to chat - my email is [email protected].
   — akirsch

February 8, 2006
Evelyn; I know just how you feel! i am also just about 3 mos. post op from having the rny, and my energy level isn't quite up to parr. I was informed that it is due to the smaller amounts of nutrients we intake now, and toyu body adjusting to the new process. What has helped quite a bit, is taking multi vitamins, making sure I get in my protein and exercising. But it takes a while to regroup because our bodies have been through such a trauma with the major surgery, anesthia, and the lack of foods we're used to consuming. See if the other things i mentioned help and we ahve t just be patient as well. God Bless
   — robin.s2000

February 8, 2006
I am the same this yr. I was always the hot one now I am the cold one. I tell everybody I lost my furnace (fat) I have lost 103 lbs.... Cindy
   — NYCindy

February 8, 2006
Have you had your blood levels checked lately? I was feeling the same and I turned out to be anemic and now take Vitron C twice a day and 1000 mcg of B12 a day. Let your doc know and have your labs checked.
   — scharlier

February 8, 2006
Dear Evelyn, Have you had your doctor check your B12 level? I know that if I don't have my shot every month I get really tired and once I get it I feel much more energized. You might ask your doctor about this. Good luck-Karyn
   — Zimpo

February 8, 2006
These are classic symptoms for people who aren't getting enough protein. Your body can't function properly without protien. Find a way to get it into you body before you get really sick.
   — Harry King

February 8, 2006
You should be getting at least 60 grms of protein in a day and 60 ounces of water. In addition you need to make sure you get your daily vitamins and minerals in. My doctor wants us to take the Bariatric Advantage Vitamins. I use the multi-vitamin, sublingual B12, chewable Iron supplement, and the Calcium lozenge. I was having the same tired feeling until I started doing what my doctor said. Within about a week I felt like a new person. A good source of Protein is IsoPure Zero Carb from GNC. It contains 40 grams of Protein and is easy to drink. No mixing or clumpy drinks. Good luck, I am 7 months out and have lost 118lbs.
   — Patricia C.

February 8, 2006
Evelyn, what you are experiencing is normal. I have battled with fatigue here and there, especially early on, it is imperative that you get in enough protein and's survival sweetie. We MUST take care of ourselves, I know it isn't easy but you can do it. As for being cold, you've lost your insulation....I'm almost a year out and still experience severe coldness, heck I'm in Texas I don't know how those in north survive, lol. I cannot go without socks, as long as I keep my feet warm. Best wishes, Dana
   — cajungirl

February 8, 2006
There could be several reasons why you are tired, not enough calories, not enough protein, vitamin levels low. I believe being cold is from dropping so much weight, you don't have as much fat on your body to keep you warm. I know that I went through this and have read a lot of posts from others that have experienced the same thing. I am over a year out and still have problems getting cold when others are not. Good luck on your journey. Teresa
   — tdickson

February 9, 2006
I am not a doctor, but have you ever had your thyroid checked? You may want to to check it out.
   — Agrippina05

February 9, 2006
I would try taking in extra water and start using sublingual b12 to boost your energy.
   — spykitty

February 12, 2006
We are cold for two reasons: we no longert have the layers of insulationg fat that we used to have, and we are not taking in as many calories as we are used to. I just put more layers on! The tiredness should get better as you lose weight.
   — Novashannon

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