Anyone know of a great plastic surgeon here in HOUSTON, TX

I has severe complications when I has my surgery done Sept 7 , 2004 , It's been over a year and have lost 165 lbs. I have alot of excess skin around my abdomen, my arms ( gross ) very flabby,, if I move too fast a hear flapping !! lol,,,, bottom line,, When I had the initial surgery, I got a abcess and had to ultimately have a 2nd emergency surgery, then I contracted a staph infection from the hospital,,, I really want Plastic Surgery,,but I am terrified about what May happen,, what can happen. Anyone know of a great plastic surgeon , from experience. I have no knowledge of how even to get started on this process of trying to get approved,, so any additional information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,    — aarroyo (posted on January 30, 2006)

January 30, 2006
Hey Amii I have been to several seminars that Dr John LoMonaco hosted....his before and after pics are really amazing....(Judging by the pictures, I did not think it was possable for anyone that had a body like ours, to end up with a better than normal shoaped body)...but Dr LoMonaco seems to have an artist eye.... he has a website, that shows before and after know that you see one pic and you go oh ok...and then another...then a person who had a body like me...really disgusting, and then the after pics the person looks normal.... I think he would be worth checking out.... Russ
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 30, 2006
Russ whats the web site
   — pettykash

January 30, 2006 I used him and he is fabulous. He did an arm lift and breast lift w/ augmentation on me. He has done a lot of folks on the Texas Messageboard here on OH. Talk to him. You'll love him. :-) Best of luck, Cheryl
   — Cheryl M.

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