I am supose to go on a cruise,just the weekend right after the surgery. Should I go?

I just got a new date and will need to either cancel or still take the weekend cruise. It will be a week 1/2 after my surgery. Can I have some opinions on whether I should cancel or keep the the cruise.    — BMenendez (posted on January 21, 2006)

January 21, 2006
I really don't think that you will feel up to it. I am sure that you would enjoy it much better if you went at a different time.
   — dl_roark

January 21, 2006
HI Rebecca, I would definitely not go on the cruise after surgery.. can you try and postpone the surgery, that way you will enjoy the cruise before hand and also enjoy the food on the cruise. You will not be feeling up to doing much and you will definitely not be eating. Best Wishes, April
   — April

January 21, 2006
No way. You'll still be sore and the adjustment to the change in eating will be challenging enough. I would definitely wait.
   — sherita

January 21, 2006
I barely made it to my house. I don't think I could stand the rocking og the ocean that soon
   — pettykash

January 21, 2006
I really think you should postpone as far away as possible so you can actually enjoy yourself. I am 7 months out and it wouldbe great now but looking back I would have waited but everyones different. Also if anything medical came up it would be good to be close to home at least the first 30 days. Happy Crusing!!!!
   — CrawfordS

January 21, 2006
The general consensus is that you should postpone your trip. There are one or two things that need to happen before you take such an adventure as a cruise. You will need to re-establish a new eating pattern and exercise plan. When you are comfortable with that and are stable, you should have a word with your Dr and if he agrees that you will be fine then do it. here are some things to consider, you probably will feel some pain when you come home, maybe not much, but you wont feel up to much if the weather starts rocking your boat. Seasickness is the one thing you should dread after having had WLS Vomiting could do a lot of harm to your newly operated on stomach as well as making you feel totally unwell, and add to the mix, that you are not close to expert medical help in the event of an emergency. Things could get ugly to put it mildly. I took a cruise when I was 5 months out from surgery, feeling and looking great, I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I couldn't have even thought of it straight after surgery as I felt like death warmed up for a week or so untill things started to return to normal. I hope that when you do go, that it will be a wonderfull heartfelt experience to remembered until you are an old lady and can tell your grandchildren. All the best for 2006
   — Lise K.

January 21, 2006
Personally I'd take the cruise! You'll never be able to eat the same after wls. Take the cruise.... try to enjoy the food without being a hog. Be sensible! But within reason, ENJOY! Then come back home, have your surgery knowing you enjoyed a wonderful cruise and now you will have surgery to help changer your life. That would be the best in my opinion. But what do I know. I've never been on a cruise. Now that I've had WLS, it would be a waste of money and I'd be miserable seeing what everyone else can eat and I could'nt. Take the cruise! Get wls a month later. :)
   — Danmark

January 21, 2006
DONT HAVE WLS THEN GO IMMEDIATELY ON CRUISE!!! Just what would happen if you had a serious problem so early on? It might require another surgery, and although cruise ships have doctors, they arent really set up to operate and fix a new post ops complications. definetely talk to your surgeon. mine required everyone to be within 2 hours for the first couple weeks. I missed a family reunion over this it was 8 hours away a week post op and I felt good enough to go, but stayed home its not worth risking your life. cruises are wonderful pick ONE and delay the other!
   — bob-haller

January 21, 2006
I am a year post-op and went on my first cruise at about 7 months out. EVen then I experienced a little nausea. The last things I think you want to mix are WLS and seasickness. You need to realize your priorities and make a decision based offof them. However, I will tell you that you can't have both. Tiffany
   — Tiff's On a Mission

January 21, 2006
I would definately not go.
   — jengriggs01

January 21, 2006
If you want to go on the cruise, then reschedule surgery for after you get back. There are too many things that could go wrong. Also, I felt nauseated after surgery anyway. Imagine getting motion sickness and vomiting on the ship- a good way to pop the staples/stitches. Then you'd need to be in a hospital and need to be opened up again. It is too risky and not worth the chance. either go before surgery or 6 or so months after surgery.
   — LD

January 21, 2006
A lapband most likely you'd survivie - an OPEN RNY no. Lap RNY would be iffy. Unless you paid alot for the cruise (or can rescedule your surgery for after the cruise - I would PASS
   — star .

January 21, 2006
I do not think that your surgeon will give you approval to travel on a cruise that soon after surgery. I would postpone it. You will really not feel like being that far from home that soon PO, let alone the food restrictions.
   — ChristineB

January 22, 2006
Reschedule the wls and go on the cruise if you can't get a refund, otherwise reschedule the cruise a minimum of 5-6 months AFTER the wls. Also, keep in mind that this surgery is major. There is a recovery period of anywhere from 3-6 weeks. Things can go wrong or need treatment and you would be sol if not near a Dr. familiar with your needs. Jmo, of course.
   — LauraA

January 22, 2006
I would have never been able to go anywhere a week after surgery I was still a little sore but tired was the big thing your body is going through a big change and plus you won't beable to eat anyway. If you can cancel I would for sure....
   — NYCindy

January 22, 2006
I would strongly advise against it....I don't think you will have enough strength to enjoy and you will probably still be on liquids or at best pureed food....not much to enjoy on a cruise....
   — ash1218

January 22, 2006
Well, since you haven't had your surgery yet, you could reschedule the surgery and eat to your heart's content, or otherwise, you should reschedule the cruise and wait until your body has adjusted to the new tummy. You can look at it two ways 1) you want to eat like your on a cruise, or 2) you want to eat like someone who has had WLS, and have some great pictures and memories of the trip, being thinner than you are now. If you are going to postpone the cruise, make sure you are at least six months out, so you will know what you can and cannot eat without reactions. If you are anything like anyone else, you will be on a liquid diet 1 1/2 weeks out from surgery, and not much of anything tastes good. Besides healing from surgery, and dealing with nausea, and discomfort, you don't need to complicate it, and heaven forbid you have an early complication (at three months out I had a bowel obstruction that required hospitalization and a second surgery to release a hernia and adhesions) you want to be near your surgeon when you first get released from the hospital, not out somewhere in the middle of the ocean. Now, you make your own decision, and best of luck to you.
   — DianaE

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