Worried! Pre-op and dx'd with non-ulcerative dyspepnia

Hi all- I am pre-op and was just dx'd with non-ulcerative dyspepnia, which, I guess is irritation of the upper GI. I have IBS and I guess this is the upper GI equivalent. Has anyone ever been dx'd with this and did it complicate you getting the surgery? I am meeting with the surgeon for a RNY on 1-11-06 and am worried that this will interfere. Any responses would be most appreciated.    — amysocko (posted on December 28, 2005)

December 28, 2005
The GI doc gave me the dx of non-ulcerative dyspepsia in order to get the insurance to pay for the EGD. Teru
   — NurseTC

December 28, 2005
the doctor that diagnosed you should be able to tell you if it is safe. I have IBS, and my RNY surgeon told me to go to the Gastroenterologist to get an all-clear before surgery. As long as the specialist in that field says it is ok, I wouldn't see why it would cause any harm. You would just have to still take your meds even after surgery, at least for a while is what my nurse told me. Good luck! Sandra
   — Sandra.M

December 28, 2005
I have a non ulcerative form of colitis called Microscopic Colitis. I went onto have RNY but needed clearance (written clearance) from my gastro doc and a small change in meds for when I was PO. You may need to have other tests done to find out how severe your condition is and your surgeon may want to talk with other specialists of his choice to ask questions about your condition. I had to jump through a few hoops pre op but it was worth it.
   — ChristineB

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