How can I prepare for initial surgical consult?

I just called my Surgeon and I was told to call back in June for an initial consultation. What should I do in the meantime to prepare? I want to do all that I can so my insurance will pay for the surgery. But I want to start all of that before June. I was told that it would be an additional 3-4 months after my consult before surgery could be preformed. Thats into October/November. I have Oxford Freedom Plan as of 3/1/01. If this question makes any sense or if you have any ideas, pleas let me know.    — Dawn H. (posted on March 31, 2001)

March 31, 2001
I had to wait 5 months waiting for my first consult. I now have a surgery date and I have been approved! My beginning will start on May 22nd. So I know how you feel about waiting. To prepare I got letters from all the people I see to write letters about how I NEED this surgery. I had one from My PCP, MY shrink, My pyschologist, my physical therapist, orthropedic surgeons I had seen. Anyone I had seen in the last 5 years. I wrote a very detailed diet history, a letter about how a average day is for me. I had people in my family write letters saying how hard everything is for me I also took all medical records from the last 5 years that pertained about my weight and my disabilty. I took a list of the medications I was on ( which was so long 16 different meds). when I saw the surgeon he was impressed with my having everything he needed to send to the insurance except for the letter he needed to write too. He also mentioned how nice to know how informed i was about the surgery I wanted. I am having the DS surgery. The nurse sent my info to insurance the same day and 2 days laters I had approval!
   — C. L.

March 31, 2001
I called my surgeon's office in August and was given a consult date in November. I really wanted this surgery at the beginning of 01, so I asked the office staff what I could do to make that happen. Could I work on getting approval before the consult? They were very supportive and helpful. They told me to call my MD and get my medical records and sent me info on writing a good diet history. They knew what my insurance requirements were and helped me with that. Well, this whole process--getting records from several places (including an MD supervised fast at our local hospital), and writing a very detailed and compelling diet history, copying everything and sending this in to the surgeons office took about a month. Once they received it it took about another couple of weeks for them to send it to the insurance company. One week later-mid October-I was approved. I went to my consult in November(which was conducted as a large group)with my approval and was given a surgery date that day!!While others were meeting with the office staff and getting insurance info. I was one step ahead. I am SOOOOOOO glad I did it in advance!! I had surgery 1/8/01 and have lost about 70 pounds! ( I wonder if I would even be post-op if I had waited to seek approval until after the consult) I guess some of this depends on the surgeon's staff and if they are willing to work with you. Hope this helps!!
   — Shelley.

March 31, 2001
To prepare for my initial consult, I wrote down every single diet attempt that I tried, this equaled to 25 years of dieting, I also wrote down all my comorbities. (example: Asthma, knee pain, sciatica problems, etc.) Got a copy of all my medical records to give to the surgeon. The surgeons office handled the rest. Good luck on your quest for surgery.
   — [Anonymous]

April 9, 2002
NWH sent me a couple of forms to fill out about past dieting attempts, and past surgeries, etc. so I am pretty sure they will handle the rest of the insurance and sending them all the necessary requirments. My consult is July 24th 2002, but I am desperately trying to "up" that date sooner, due to slow down at work. I was told to stop smoking as well, because they will NOT perform surgery to people who smoke. good Luck Tammie
   — Tammie A.

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