If you can't chew gum can you suck hard candy or cough drops
— sillysue45 (posted on February 4, 2011)
February 4, 2011
I actually do chew gum, and prefer it to hard candy (which I can have). The
main reason to avoid gum is possible swallowing. I need more than just
water to avoid dry mouth. Mint helps clear my palate and makes the urge to
eat go away (ever eat after brushing your teeth?)
Brenda : )~
— Brenda C.
February 4, 2011
I was never a gum chewer even before surgery. I rely on sugar free hard
candies from the Dollar Store. I also like the various sugar free cough
drops and throat lozenges
— Richbehr
February 5, 2011
I still chew gum. I've never swallowed gum since I got out of about 5th
I imagine if your doctor doesn't want you to chew gum to avoid swallowing,
hard candy or cough drops would have the same problem.. although the
candy/drops would eventually dissolve where the gum wouldn't.
If the prohibition is to cut down on gas.. I don't see where the
candy/drops would be a problem, unless it's s/f candy that has one of the
sugar substitutes that contributes to that problem.
Call your nutritionist and ask.
— Lisaizme
February 5, 2011
My Dr. says never anymore gum, and to tell you the truth, I donot even miss
it. I guess you can have sugar free hard candy, just be careful not to
swallow it whole, it can do a lot of harm.
— FSUMom
February 5, 2011
THis is one of the many questions that I posed to my doctors. Their answer
was simply this your stomach will be thinking that there is food on it's
way down and start producing enzymes to start to digestion process. As well
the chewing of gum is only going to give you excess gas in your stomach and
hence burping and farting ( Pardon the crudness) but who needs the extra
I was told that sugar free gum can be used after a meal for the purpose of
cleaning your teach after a meal say when you are on the road or at work
and can't get to your tooth brush. But after 15 minutes of chewing spit it
I was sugessted by my doctors that if feel that I need to have a mouth
freshing up then just use one tick tack . That will do the trick.
— OntarioSilk
February 5, 2011
I have chewed gum since the seventh grade and could NOT give it up after
surgery. When I asked my doctor about it he said "how many times have
you swallowed your gum"? I said "never". He then said
"so chew your gum and don't worry". I am approaching six years
out soon and all is fine. I love my sugar free gum!
— VeeVonne
February 12, 2011
I guess chewing gum has the opposite effect on me because I don't get
hungry when I chew gum (same effect b4 surgery). I love chewing gum because
water just does not keep my mouth moist enough especially at work where
drinking in front of a customer is not an option. I was told not to chew
gum for the first six months after surgery. I don't swallow it and it is
alwasys staple in my purse.
— hubbyshoney
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