Gas, liquid diet, && constant gagging. Is this normal 7 days after surgery? HELP HELP

ok so I had my surgery on Monday February 1, 2010 && I got Discharged Wednesday night when i had only a bit of jello and a bit of apple juice. Now that Im home I have like excessive gas I get disgusted with the food and I cant even pass water down with out getting nasty gases and gagging. Oh and on Friday which would have been 5 days out of surgery I had a bowel movement and it was black I called the doctor immedeatley and they said that would be normal for a coulpe of bowel movemnts! help please I am barley eating anything && I dont start my full liquid diet until Tuesday but if I cant even tolerate this I cant imagine the full liquids    — samanthajo (posted on February 7, 2010)

February 7, 2010
Are you eating or drinking too fast? I am 9 days post op and have not had any of this except the black stool, which is normal. Check how and what you are eating. Good luck
   — ladyrdhk

February 7, 2010
well all im eating is jello clear broth crystal light and's funny cause the jello and clear broth go down fine its more like the water and liquids that as soon as i swallow i feel my stomach gurggling and I get discomfort from gas and it makes me wanna throw up
   — samanthajo

February 7, 2010
Monitor your temperature too. Keep in contact with ur doctor. If you have fever go to the emergency room. I wish you well.
   — twig202

February 7, 2010
I'm sure your jello and apple juice were sugar free, right? Apple juice is naturally high in sugars. Probably not the best choice of liquids right away. Even pre-op apple juice would give me diarrhea. Switch to something else. Crystal Lite or similar drink mix that is sugar free is best if you need flavor in your water. Black stools are normal for a few days; it's dried blood from surgery. You will have lots of gurgling and gas because you are so empty. Get thee to the drugstore for gas-X strips. They help. And keep sipping on your fluids and/or protein shakes. The more you drink, the more air you will displace which will result in less gas. The first couple of weeks are the hardest. It does get better. Hang in there!
   — Arkin10

February 8, 2010
i was having really bad gas pains after drinking anything really cold, try room temp or warm herbal teas
   — dlynch24775

February 8, 2010
I am 6 days post op and very cold beverages make my stomach crampy. I tolerate room temperature ones better. The gas for the first few days was terrible but is getting better now that I'm on full liquids. Keep sipping slowly in small amounts. At first, I thought, Oh God, there is no way I can stand to drink all this stuff but it does get better. Hang in there. The first few days I was miserable but am feeling much better now.
   — Rita J.

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