3 days before surgery and getting sick!!!

My surgery date is 11/4. Thursday night the sore throat started. Last night a non-productive cough. Have been taking airborne like crazy, but I think not eating and low calories has lowered my immune system. And the crazy NC weather isn't helping! (You know you're in NC when you use A/C and heat in the same day!) Not sure how to get this under control by Wednesday and worried they will postpone my surgery! Any advice???    — Karen K. (posted on November 1, 2009)

November 1, 2009
Be sure you're taking Vitamin C and a multivitamin also. Take hot baths, stay under warm blankets, and try to sleep it off! Visualize Angels sweeping away all cold and flu bugs and wrapping you in healing warmth. You're in my prayers!
   — Janell C.

November 1, 2009
Hi Karen K - Just call your doctor and ask if that would prevent or postpone your surgery date. Trust in yourself and the doctor's. I know it can be scary but keep going forward. Having the RNY was the best thing I could have ever done for myself. Still a struggle each day but well worth it!
   — heartmjk

November 1, 2009
My surgery was postponed twice, once because I had a urinary tract infection and the other because of their mistake but anyway, they told me that if I had any cold/flu symptoms to let them know, so just phone your doctor and be on the safe side. Not to scare you, but I knew of someone who had cold symptoms and didn't inform her doctor and had breathing complications during/after surgery, so please just inform your doctor and let him/her take it from there. I know it can be frustrating to be this close and have to reschedule but best to be safe. Good luck and get better.
   — PAWLLA L.

November 1, 2009
I had my Surgery 10/20 and I was getting a cold right before also, I was taking Vit C, Emergen C, and anything else I could. I called my surgeon and he said if I was fever free, we'd still go through with the surgery. I never had a fever. I hope you feel better soon, and Good Luck with Surgery...
   — Jamie1974

November 1, 2009
I was sick before my surgery as well. My work gave me the time off to try and get better. Once I was on the liquid diet it was like I was totally cleansed from everything. I wish you luck and just believe that everything happens for a reason. But deal with that part only if you need to, the more worrying and stress you do will not help you get me, I know. :-)
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 1, 2009
I made it through the weekend, still have a slightly sore throat and a cough. I'll call my doctor today. Thanks for all the helpful advice
   — Karen K.

November 16, 2009
Karen, what happened? Did your surgery have to be postponed? Janell
   — Janell C.

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