Scheduled for surgery on Monday, but think I have an ear infection what should I do?

Scheduled for surgery on Monday, but think I have an ear infection what should I do? If I go to a Dr. and get antibiotics will that hinder my surgery? Should I just call my surgeon, go to my family dr. or tough it out? It is really bothering me!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!    — Lauren M. (posted on August 8, 2009)

August 8, 2009
As much as you want the surgery to lose weight, taking care of your total physical health is more important. See your PCP about the problem then contact your surgeon. Going into surgery with an infection of any sort can compromise your health . . . the worst that could happen is your surgery gets rescheduled. Better that than having multiple post-op complications, when some of them can be avoided. You are having surgery to save your health. Don't neglect it because you are afraid of your surgery being canceled/rescheduled.
   — rebalspirit

August 8, 2009
Call your PCM today AND your surgeon. They usually place you on a high end IV antibiotic when they hang your IV and you continue with it in the hospital but please might be a simple swimmer's ear. Praying for you.
   — karensaporito

August 8, 2009
I feel for you, I got a cold right before my surgery and my surgeon and PCP chose to cancel and reschedule it. I was so sad, but I know it was the right thing to do. I hear other peoples surgeon and PCP - go ahead with the surgery. I guess it all depends on your situation and your doctors. Either way you should call and make then aware, it is better to be safe then sorry. Good luck :)
   — Britt

August 9, 2009
the day before my surgery I started with a bad head cold stuffy nose cold and all I was worried to i took alot of cold meds and stuff when i went in the day of my surgery I told them they said if i dont have a fever they will go on with the surgery I was glad they did yeah it was a little harder to recover i think cuz i got a cough to but i am, glad i didnt have to reschedule
   — angelscentt

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