Has anyone that has the Lapband taken Ali or GreenTea Pills

becuz your weight loss has either stopped or your gaining weight? If so did you see results? Any side effects?    — AngelKay34 (posted on June 18, 2009)

June 19, 2009
I don't know how long ago you had the lap band. You should be able to use eihter of these but should check with your doctor first.
   — trible

June 19, 2009
I had RNY surgery and drink green tea (hot and cold) almost daily...I have used the green tea capsules as well, but enjoy drinking my tea much better! No side effects at all!
   — .Anita R.

June 19, 2009
I am just curios why you want to take either of those. Are you having trouble losing weight with the band? I am trying to decide on which surgery to have. I have taken both Ali and green tea pill to help me lose weight. If I have lap band surgery, it sounds like I will still be doing the same things to try to lose weight. If you are happy with the lap band, please let me know. Of course it's less invasive and quicker recovery, no malabsorption and so on. Thanks for sharing, Mary
   — mtitus

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