Which is best?

A dr. with experience in weight loss surgery or a dr. who has done a fellowship in weight loss surgery.    — jan M. (posted on April 9, 2009)

April 9, 2009
Personally, I picked a surgeon with experience. I didn't want one in training or without many surgeries under his belt. I waited an entire year to get on my surgeons waiting list for surgery...That was 5 years ago. If I were having surgery today...I would once again look and wait for the doc with the most experience and record...It's kinda like asking if you'd spend 25,000 dollars on an established artist who has many painting to admire rather than one in training that may or may not actually be cut out to be an artist. Only with surgery, YOUR body is the canvas...I'd think twice!
   — .Anita R.

April 9, 2009
I would most definitely go with experience and look at how much experience. My surgeon has done hundreds and he trains other doctors all over the world. Good luck! Hugs..Donna
   — gonnabethinfinally

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