
I had lap band on 8-7-08 I have lost 45 pounds, but since last month mey hair is falling CRAZY,,, I have lots of hair but the way is falling is unbeliable,,, I eat three times a day, I make sure I eat protein and also I take three protein shakes a day each 17 grams, but still I dont know what to do please helppppppppp!!!!!!!!!    — nanita0516 (posted on November 24, 2008)

November 24, 2008
Hair lose is normal and you won't go bald. It will come back after some time and maybe even healthier. You can take the supplement called Hair, Skin & Nails. It is from the surgery (trauma to the body) and from a change in your diet. Hang in there, we all go through that process. Congratulations!
   — Kristy

November 24, 2008
I agree with the first answer. However, do go to your doctor and do have a thyroid panel done. Use the supplement for your hair and when you wash it use a vitamin protein enhanced shampoo like Kevis or Ultress. Pantene is a more common brand. Good luck and do eat well and as your doctor advises you. vinnigirl
   — vinnigirl

November 24, 2008
This is pretty normal, unfortunately and usually happens between the 3rd and 6th month. I have heard that Nixoin and Biotin help... I haven't tried them though. My hair never fell out of my scalp, but my upper eyelashes fell out and my very naturally curly hair went stick straight. I had to cut it all off as it just looked weird. I would rather be thin, healthy and happy with short straight hair is the glass half full way I look at it. Best of luck, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

November 24, 2008
Dear Elaine, In Europe and India we advise to use Zinc tablets, please ask your surgeon for advise but we know this really helps!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 25, 2008
My surgeon told me "no matter what, you will lose some hair." He says it grows back with time and not to stress about it because it is the stress of the changes in your body that cause the extra hair loss. It initiates the hair loss phase of your hair. We have three phases, growth, rest, loss. Pregnancy causes hair growth. When you deliver a baby, that causes the hair loss. That is one example.
   — cydthekid50

November 25, 2008
Eliana, I had surgery on Dec. 17, 2007 and about 3 months later started noticing a lot of hair loss. I mean a LOT of hair loss. I went to the doc and they did a thyroid panel on me. My weight loss had caused my thyroid to go wacky so with a change in medicines (synthroid) and adding Biotin to my diet (a vitamin supplement), I am now seeing hair growth again. Matter of fact, I started laughing the other day when I looked in the mirror . . . half of my bangs are now about 2 inches shorter than the rest of my bangs. Why? They are new growth. Go Biotin.
   — Breathin4him

November 30, 2008
I had the same problem, used the Nioxin set. It comes with shampoo, conditioner, and a serum. Only had to use it for about 6 months & it stopped falling out, good luck.
   — Faerydust1313

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