What can I eat to feel full?
I am one month post opt and I am always hungry. I had the lapband done and I am on a soft diet. What types of things can I eat that are not high calories. Presently I take in 6oz of food at each meal. Please Help! — myemie (posted on September 18, 2008)
September 18, 2008
I just passed my one year anniversary of getting my lapband.. and you are
at a tough spot just now. The first two or three weeks after surgery your
stomach is probably swollen from getting banded so they are not too bad. My
doctor had me on a soft diet the first 6 weeks after the surgery and he
told me ahead of time that weeks 4, 5 and 6 would be the toughest. By then
the swelling has gone down and you haven't had an adjustment yet.. so you
will probably feel hungry. And that was true for me.. I think I started
getting hungry about the end of the third week actually. I drank a lot of
water, and ate a lot of low cal pudding and jello and cream soups. It gets
a lot easier once you get the first adjustment. Maggie
— Maggie E.
September 18, 2008
The problem with the soft food diet is that most of the foods eaten are the
type that are easily digested and thus are the type that easily pass
through the system and move quickly. About the best that you are going to
get for this type of diet is Oatmeal. Any Whole Grain cereal should work,
like Wheateana, Malt-O-Meal, or hot Muesli. These need to be a WHOLE GRAIN
cereals, however. The fiber in the whole grain is what makes it stick for
a while. It takes a while for the fiber to be broken down by the stomach
acid. I would avoid the dairy products if you want food to keep you
feeling full. The dairy products are quickly digested by the body as are
starches and sugars. Fats take a bit longer, but FIBER takes the longest
and adds no calories while it is being broken down. ;-) Oh, While eating
your oatmeal, try adding some chopped almonds or peanut butter to it. This
will give you a complete protein. As a strict vegetarian for over 20 years, I had
learned that you need to have 2 or more sources of vegetable protein to get
a complete protein that your body can use. Both proteins must be consumed
at the same meal. Drop the almonds in a blender and then mix them in with
your oatmeal or other hot cereal before or after cooking. You can use
other nuts if you prefer, but I found that almonds are the most versatile.
I hope this helps, Hugh.
— hubarlow
September 18, 2008
Check out Yahoo Groups and then type in is a great site
and group ( as this is ) and deals with Lap band of the
moderators is a WLS Nurse.....just check it ou
September 18, 2008
I had lap band 4-16-08 and the first six weeks, I stayed hungry. The
surgeon said it was because I had no restriction because he doesn't fill
the band until the swelling of the stomach goes down and the first six
weeks your body is healing and then I had my first fill and got
restriction. I am down 50 pounds and lots of inches and it is a struggle
with the hunger. I have head hunger and that sometimes can really keep you
hopping. My surgeon told me to stop and see what type of hunger I am
having and adjust to it. Head hunger is worst than just being hungry. I
am trying to change my way of thinking about the hunger and it is hard.
Good Luck Diane
— dyates2948
September 18, 2008
Hey there. I had lapband Aug 26th so I know what you feel like. Cottage
cheese is a great source of protein and very satisfying. I buy the fat
free. I also have a couple great ideas that makes it a little more
exciting. Refried beans with some campbells cheese soup (made with skim
milk) is great. You pour the cheese over the beans and have some fat free
sour cream with it. I think its important to try to eat some food that
makes you feel like you are not depriving yourself. This makes it much
easier to stay satisfied and not cheat. Message me and I will give you some
more survival ideas for food in the mushie stage. Good luck and Congrats
— trbccowan
September 19, 2008
First I'm not a doctor or nurse, so This is just a what I know to be true
from friend at our group. one month post opt 6 oz of food is to much. I
under stnad they only can eat about 2 oz. at each seting, 6 to 8 seting a
day. plus they watch protien not cal. Ask you help provider at the doctors
office, the nurse should know and if you need an adjustment they can set
that up also. Good Luck , GOD BLESS
— LBowker
September 19, 2008
I find that thinned down refried beans with sour cream, chs and salsa stay
with me quit t while. I just had my third fill a few days ago and this is
one of my staples when on soft foods. Also, i make my protein shakes into
smoothies in the blender and add a banana, peanut butter and lots of ice, a
cup of skin milk, dry non fat milk, and choc protein powder. Blend till
it's thick and creamy. This keeps me REAL full, and take at least 45 min or
more to drink. Sometimes i drink half, then go back later for the other
half. Ckn salad made in the food processor is very good too. Just put what
ever you like in the processor til smooth. I like a bit of onion and mayo,
maybe some chopped grapes or apple too. Left over roast ckn works great or
canned ckn too. Whatever you have on hand. Good luck and Blessings.
Oh ya, taco soup is great too. PM me if you need the recipe.
— Kristi H.
September 19, 2008
This is a hard time some people call it bandster H*ll According to My
doctors group Good protein choices are ground turkey or chicken, Flaky fish
or shell fish, eggs/egg whites, cottage cheese, and yogurt. I find fishes
like cod and orange roughy keep me satisfied until my next meal. You can
have vegetables that are cooked until soft. You can have oatmeal, cream of
wheat or cold cereal without fruit or nuts (Limit to 2 sevings per week!!)
For breakfast I like to have 1egg scrambled with half an ounce of 2% cheese
145 calories total or a yogurt 100 calories. For Lunch I will have a
1/4-1/3 of a cup of tuna with lo fat mayo ~100 calories. For dinner I like
to have 2-3 ounces of fish like cod or haddock with 1-2 tablespoons of
finely chopped well cooked spinach. ~150 calories. If I need a snack I will
have 1/2 a banana 50 calories. I also some times make some ground turkey
mixed with 2 tablespoons of spaghetti sauce or taco seasoning. 3oz of lean
ground turkey is 120 calories. Hope this helps. If you have any more
questions please feel free to contact me and I will help within the best of
my ability.
— caitsmom94
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