I need to know of good undergarments for consealing loose skin

I have lost over 200 pds and still have some to go,but am getting frustrated because the clothes I where are dictated by the fat/skin I have around my middle area. Does anyone have any suggestions for garments that "vaccum Seal" in everything.    — jmas24 (posted on July 9, 2008)

July 9, 2008
Yes I do! Dr Ray's Shapewear! You can get them at Sears or on! They are EXCELLENT!! i wear one every day least until I get that tummy tuck! ~Susan
   — HoosierDoula

July 9, 2008
They make "body shapers" or "all in ones"...they are like girdles that hold everything in and smooth everything out. I don't know what size you are, but and or (if you are smaller) has them for sale. You can also try Wal-Mart or if you have a local lingerie shop they can fit you for one. Congrats on the weight loss!
   — ALafferty

July 9, 2008
Boy, do I have just the site for you. I too needed something and ordered a compression garment from they have all kinds of garments there. I bought the all in one with bra, tummy, butt and thighs.. open crotch so you can go to the bathroom. Zips up the front. Very snug. Not cheap but really great. Good luck, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

July 9, 2008
Contact and they have a 800 number to call them at. They are a small company, but very helpful and work with a lot Bariatric patients. Leave a message if you get voice mail. They have some special garments that I have not tried that one in my support group also call, vacumm sealed, so I saw that in your email and though of them. I use there 996 and have since 3 months, and it has allowed much of my skin to shrink back on my stomach. I am 62 but my largest scar was 2-3/4" and is just 7/8" wide now. Something is shrinking it, and I credit wearing their garments all the time. People think I have had a tummy tuck. Best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

July 9, 2008
I wore a binder my first year or more...I lost 150 lbs and I got really lucky that eventually my skin tightened up (mostly) ...But WOW!!! You lost over 200 lbs! That is just fabulous! Give yourself giant kudos! You will feel better wearing one of the body shapers from one of the sites the others gave you...The site from Dawn Vickers has a binder similar to one that I personally wore and loved it...But there are some really great things on those sites! I might have to get one for jiggles and ripples, myself! Congrats...You are awesome!
   — .Anita R.

July 9, 2008
I've heard that Spanx works really well
   — * S.

July 9, 2008
I agree with Dr. Reys shapewear, I bought the full body one at Sears, I think for $40.. I dont remember it was last year and I ended up taking it back because it didnt fit with the dress I bought it for. But it did hold everything in..... I couldnt wear it without straps though because it kept falling down, if I buy another it will be to hold in my belly.
   — Kimberlin Katayama

July 9, 2008
Also try
   — rena27

July 9, 2008
SPANDEX SUPPORT that has men and women's undergarmets made of Spandex
   — waterlover

July 9, 2008
Kymaro,they are a little spendy but they are worth every penny.The bottoms are not good,just the top it holds it in and comfortable.Hard to figure out how to put on and take off untill u figure it out.Its cut out in the boob are so it does not smush them actually lifts them.
   — Sandy Hanson

July 9, 2008
I like the body shaper that Oprah was talking about: Yummie Tummie. The website is (surprisingly) Dr. Rey's has good stuff too.
   — AmyTrix

July 9, 2008
Hi Jennifer, I'm SOOOOO proud of you! You go, girl!!! 200 lb loss is awesome! I use a Kymaro body shaper. I love the fact that it's two pieces so I can choose to wear only the upper body shaper with skirts, etc, but have the bottom shaper for use with slacks/capris if desired. I wear my own undergarments with this item covering the area where I need the control. Check out the website If you purchase the nude top body shaper then you can get the bottom for $9.95 shipping charge. You can also get another one in black for shipping charges of $9.95 each too! I think I paid around $80 bucks or so and got all 4 pieces. The garment is so easy to use and clean....machine wash - line dry. I absolutely love it! I'm in sales so I needed something that would be comfortable to wear all day long - and this is! Best of all, it comes with a 30 day full money-back guarantee. (geesh, I sound like a sales rep for them, don't Anyway, congrats on your wonderful weight-loss journey and best wishes in the continuation of LIFE!
   — tonidaniels913

July 10, 2008
Dr Ray Shapeware is the answer.....he is the Dr on Dr90210 and his garments are great and you can get them at Sear' great is that. Pam / Ft Worth ....Bandster Bites [email protected]

July 13, 2008

March 31, 2009
Body Magic Compay specialized in body shapers.....that acutally work. Many clients have tried Kimora and Dr. Rey's but they stretch out/don't hold forever. email me at [email protected]
   — kegva

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