Is anyone having any luck at obtaining health insurance after WLS??

I had the WLS a year and a half ago. I have NEVER been in better shape. I am down to one pill a day (from 5) and go to a gym 3 times a week and work out at home. I feel fantastic! I paid cash for the surgery as my insurance would not cover it. I can no longer afford my private health insurance and started applying around. Denied, denied denied - because of the surgery! I was told NO underwriter in Indiana will write it because of that. My own policy will not re-rate. All I can do is re-apply and was told I will be denied. I am stuck and desparetly need help! Anyone.................PLEASE    — mariathegreek (posted on June 18, 2008)

June 18, 2008
Did you have Bypass surgery? As a former claims adjuster and underwriter, it is hard to get insurance (health or life) after bypass due to the complications that can happen (malabsorbtion scares the heck out of insurance companies). So they do not underwrite insurances after bypass or any of the more invasive insurances. I had to fight to get life insurance even after lapband surgery...but I finally got it...after hiring a good lawyer!! -- Karen in MA
   — Karen M.

June 18, 2008
Wow...after moving to TX and my husband becoming a business owner we had to get our own insurance. We only have major medical, but had no problem getting it. ( I had RNY 5 years ago). At the time we got the insurance I was 3 years out. I didn't realize that was an issue. Our's is with Blue Cross. You would think after a year and a half and no complications they would accept you.
   — rjh729

June 18, 2008
Hello Maria, I don't exactly think that this will help but you need to find out if the health insurance company has a pre existing condition claus. I work for a health insurance company in MA and now that we have the halth care mandate, insuance companies must cover you. I actually just had surgery yesterday and my health insurance is in no way going to be effected
   — blittlejr

June 18, 2008
i had surgery over 18 months ago -- started a new job in january -- started my benefits in april -- i have aetna health insurance --without a problem at all -- covered from head to toe -- i also have a chronic disease and that didn't stop me from being covered -- good luck
   — RCassety

June 19, 2008
I think that in Indiana there is no pre-existing clause for Insurance companies and therefore you should be able to get insurance. However, just to be sure, call the Indiana Insurance Commission for clarification and see if they can give you some concrete answers! Good luck.
   — baileysmom2004

June 20, 2008
You might look and see which insurance companies actually cover weight loss surgeries. They will most likely be the ones to accept you. Good luck! I have Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
   — seekerpanda

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