3 Weeks Post-Op.. Pain and Bloating When Eating??
Should I be concerned or is this normal??? Worried!! — StormChaser77 (posted on June 8, 2008)
June 8, 2008
Are you post RNY or LapBand? Are you following the post op diet prescribe
by your surgeon/nutritionist? Are you drinking carbonated beverages? If
so, stop immediately.
I never had this problem, all I can recommend it to eat very slowly and
chew until your food is the consistency of applesauce before swallowing it.
If you can't get it like that.... spit it out. I do remember some
radiation of pain in my left shoulder after eating, I was told that was
normal and it would go away and it did.
If it remains a problem, contact your surgeon.
Dawn Vickers, RN, BLB, CLC
— DawnVic
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