After my last lab band fill, I have severe acid reflux?

Can anybody tell me if they now have acid reflux after lab band surgery? Mine gets so bad it wakes me up from a dead sleep! There has been a couple times I threw up in my sleep becasue of it. Any suggestions on what I can take for relief? I had my surgery back in May of 2007 and just started getting heart burn after my last fill!    — betsy2007 (posted on May 8, 2008)

May 8, 2008
Sounds like you might have a pouch dilation or slip....I would call the Dr and see what they say......this is not normal to just start having reflux like that......if anything the band should help cut back on Acid reflux. Pam / Ft Worth Bandster Bites Silverware [email protected]

May 8, 2008
Try to avoid eating 3hours before you go to bed. Dinner should be the smallest meal of the day. Avoid acidic foods for dinner especially. When I had that, I couldn't even sit a few minutes without having that burning. After an endoscopy they discovered two ulcers.
   — bariatricdivalatina

May 8, 2008
You need to see the doctor right away so he can take some of the fill out and then you will feel better. So please do the appointment as soon as possible.....
   — 2409w.poplar_rodriguez

May 8, 2008
you are too tight. call your doctor right a way and ask for a slight unfill. Don't wait. you can damage the lining of your esophagus or risk dialation if you let it go on too long.
   — deb K.

May 8, 2008
You need to go back to the Dr. and get an unfill, your band sounds like it is toooo tight. If you are throwing up in your sleep it's dangerously too tight. You could choke on your vomit know. Best to you
   — KristinaSilvasy

May 9, 2008
Your band is too tight.Go on straight liquids until you can get a slight un-fill.This has happened to me a couple times. (I don't think your band slipped though.) My reflux woke me up too-it went into my nose-sooo gross. I had to see my Dr right away because it was uncomfortable. Good Luck.
   — pattyann

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