I am 13 days post op from lapro rny, should i still be feeling tired?

it seems that I have no energy. i do something then have to rest and then do more. Is this normal?    — karenyhb (posted on November 23, 2007)

November 22, 2007
Im actually 14 days post of today, to be honest, yesterday was the day I really felt I had enery since the surgery, but dont worry fatigue in normal. It may taye you a bit longer to get over that hump than other, everyone is different. Just remember take your vitamins, get as much of your fluids as you can, and dont skip meals.
   — nsh4991

November 22, 2007
   — DEBI R.

November 23, 2007
Completely normal! Please please please be aware you just had MAJOR surgery, you are going to NEED time to heal and time to rest!!!! It will be about 30 days before you get any semblence of energy back!!!! Walk when you can, rest when your body tells you to, and make sure you take all your vitamins, drink your water, and get in your protien per your doc! Good luck, God bless, and welcome to the losing side!
   — crystalsno

November 23, 2007
I am 5 and 1/2 months out and still have many problems one of them being absolutely no energyI take all my vitamins and protein and have lost almost 100 lbs, but feel so sick all the time, I'm praying this will change - God Bless You!
   — shelleyjean39

November 23, 2007
Totally normal. Surgery takes it's toll on you as well as not consuming the calories you are used to. Just rest when you can. It won't always be like this.
   — Carlyn M.

November 23, 2007
I had my RNY on Oct. 22 and feel great except for some fatigue. I am much better than I was but still take a nap every afternoon. Of course I am 64 so that might be part of the problem but I can live with it. Do as everyone and your doc say - water, protein, rest, etc. and things will improve - you are barely over the anesthesia, LOL. Welcome to the "other side". Nanajane
   — NanaJane

November 23, 2007
Yes it is normal, you just had MAJOR surgery. It took me a good 2 weeks or better before I started to feel better. It was around the time I started on full liquids, when I was getting some nutrition. Just relax, if you are tired right now you body probably needs the rest to heal. Take care and good luck. Diane
   — noboat4u

November 24, 2007
Oh so normal. 21 days out I thought I could do the body pump exercise at Golds -- yeah right -- took me 3 days to recover. So being tired is normal. Although your outside is healed your inside is still healing and removing the anathesia (sp) from you system is going on. So for now, just walk. After that little exercise at Gold's that's exactly what I did for the next few weeks -- walk and stationary bike. Yeah there would be days I'd push the envelope then it would take me at least 2 days to recover. Nothing is wrogn, what you are feeling is perfectly normal.
   — the7thdean

November 24, 2007
I am one month post-op today and for the first 3weeks I felt terrible. I feel pretty good now but after 2 weeks out no one could have told me that i would ever feel this good again!!! So keep your head up and get lost of rest and try to get your protien and vitamins in like the others said. And welcome to the Losers Bench.
   — sonyaracene

November 25, 2007
I felt the same way after surgery. I started taking a BComplex vitamin from Wal-Mart! I could tell a difference - within a week. I had more energy, and it did not increase my appetite. Try it. They are only $5 or $6...Well worth it.
   — vkmays

November 28, 2007
It can take 2 to 3 months to get your energy back. Right now your body is going thru a big trama.
   — John C.

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