Having difficultly with bowel movements

Have developed hemorrhoids and bleeding Bowel movements are very difficult Has anyone had this problem?    — dbobb32 (posted on May 29, 2007)

May 29, 2007
Diane, Had it once and probaly was from dehydration. I've been chugging fluids ever since -- don't it hurt. Purchase some benefiber and take it 3 times a day until you stool is soft and keep the fluids flowing. Although your stomach will become full from the fluids -- keep drinking something every 15-40 minutes. My butt was sore for about a week after that constipation episode and I vowed I'd increase my fluid intake.
   — the7thdean

May 29, 2007
I had the same problem. They were horrible. I took hot baths, used preparation H, called the doctor and he prescribed something, and then when all that failed, just time. Make sure you keep taking fluids, it really helps. I am 5 months out and once again and suffering from them!!! I feel your pain. Also try not to sit or stand too much, if you can rest, and give your butt a rest! Good Luck, Diane
   — Diane C.

May 29, 2007
I have had that painful problem:( MUCH MORE WATER! more fibre, and for me added fat, which probably acts as a lubricant. Things like healthy oil. Had some salad with oil and vinegar dressing and felt better by morning. Stool softener pills also help to a degree, avoid laxatives you can get addicted to them, where NOTHING moves without them:(
   — bob-haller

May 29, 2007
Yep, I have went through this too (still go thru it). I take 2 stool softeners a day. I am not a big drinker so I am sure that doesn't help, and I am pregnant--so that is another problem. But even when I am not pregnant I have painful BM's. And once I had to go to the hospital where they almost had to physically remove an obstruction I had. It was so big & hard it would NOT pass!

May 30, 2007
eat some brocoly and some flaxi oil that helps. your body isnt getting enough fiber . also ,makes sure your takeing your protein shakes and i also find it that eating the protein bars that has only 1gram of sugar also helps. drink plenty of water. if water is not flavorable just add some lemon juice to your water its refreshing ok. good luck
   — yvettetas

May 30, 2007
After 11 yrs like this and trying everything in natural life, natural products, fake products, more water, less water, more fiber, less fiber, FINALLY. My formula works like so: miralax which was rx and just became OTC 4 stool softners AT NIGHT That helped But when I added magnesium oxide and something hot first thing in the morning, I had finally found my solution!
   — vitalady

May 30, 2007
You may find what I do rather bizarre, and possibly TMI. But for various reasons, I invested in one of those wonderful Japanese bidet toilet seats. My first draw to it was it is heated. Great for a cold boney butt, but I had to have a better reason than that to justify the expense. Sometimes, when I is quite a mess....have to use a lot of TP..etc. So on this premise...I thought it would eventually pay for has a bottom washer and drier. When it came, and my DH installed it...I was reading about the features, and got a laugh...because it has "an enema feature." Sure.....uh huh! Well, come to find out, it's been my best friend. It's not exactly an enema, but it breaks up the big stuff...and makes it come out easier...soley with a fine strong stream of water. It beats sitting there with a stomach ache and nothing moving. So that, along with the cleaning has a built in fan with charcoal filter that helps eliminate unleasant aromas....I feel I have finally found an answer to many of my problems. So...I'm telling you for what it's worth. Regards~
   — Statuesque

May 30, 2007
It has been struggle, and a pinful one at that. Some days I can not even sit down! I have found a combination of Activia Light yogurt, Amatiza (prescription medicine), 5 prunes a day, and or a chef's salad helps. Depending on the circumstances and number of days between bowel movements, it's a balancing act. I also prepare the liquids I need to drink for the day, to ensure I drink them all. It helps keep track, and I always know how much more I have to go before I can say, OK, that's the quota. After three days without moving bowels at all, I resort to Fleets suppositories, as when I get backed up, I want no more food going down. All that being said, I still would not trade the surgery for all the money in the world! Good luck. Suzanne
   — Suzanne S.

May 30, 2007
Hi Diane, what you have many of us have gone through. I usually am not constipated, but from time to time I do have that problem. Summer is worse than winter because of hydration issues for me, but it does happen. They just put "Miralax" on the market without a perscription. It works wonders. It is a powder you can put in any drink, it is flavorless, and is very gentle to use. I get it by perscription, but you can get it without one. It is gentle, but I would use just a half dose at first. It takes a day or two for it to begin to work, but it is NOT habit forming and you are supposed to be able to use it daily. Don't torture your bowels like that, get some help. If water won't help you get regular, then use something like Miralax to help you out. I have used an emena if I have to, but I never need to do that with Miralax. Take care, Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

May 30, 2007
I just have to say that I am so glad you asked your question! I don't have any answers but I do suffer from the same problem (I'm 5 months out) and got some good tips. I think I'm gonna ask my Doc about Miralax. Someone told me to take mineral oil, but I just don't think I can do it, it makes me want to hurl just thinking about it. Hope we both solve our problem! :)
   — airbear762000

May 31, 2007
There is also another alternative, not well known but highly effective from what I understand. There is a Houston-based company, High Island Health, coming out with a Hemorrhoid and Incontinence device called the Peristal. Due to be released in approximately 2 weeks (around mid-June) the Peristal is a small device you insert which with the proper use causes Peristalsis (rhythmic, involuntary contractions that exercise the anal canal). I know this is a bit technical, but understanding that 'exercising' the area will improve and/or cure most Type I and Type II hemorroids is the basis of what you need to know. I understand this device has tested very well in clinical trials with excellent results. It's certainly worth a try. Symptom control (such as Preparation H) and surgery are pretty costly. This device just might be the answer. The company website is and their phone number is 713-680-8840. They have a waiting list for the Peristal and it is not up on the website yet, but they will take your information so you will receive as soon as possible.
   — heloize

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