My surgery is in 16 days. Everyone keeps asking me if I am nervous but I'm not. I am

more excited. However the more I am asked the more nervous I get. I guess my question is what is the normal feeling this close to surgery?    — vbs239 (posted on December 3, 2006)

December 2, 2006
It is perfectly normal to feel nervous and anxious before surgery. I didn't tell many people I was having the surgery to avoid the questions. As it gets closer you will feel more and more nervous as well as excited. You should be eating healthy now and getting ready to shrink your liver as well as get in as much exercise as possible. Good luck!
   — Sheri A.

December 2, 2006
It is very normal to be excited about your surgery. Then get more nervous. I was totally fine, excited about mine and just like you the more people asked me about it, the more nervous i became. I didn't tell too many people about it though until the day or so before because i knew i would get comments like "you really don't need that do you?" I did need it not for the weight loss but for my health. I was going down hill fast and now i'm doing great. My surgery was Sept 18, 06 and i've lost almost 50 lbs. You'll do great if you want to talk or anything, you can email me directly at jan0859 on yahoo. Good luck....
   — jan0859

December 2, 2006
Ditto on the above. Although, I did have reservations once being prepared for surgery. My doctor did tell me that he would come in right before surgery and let me know what was going to happen and if I had questions or concerns he would answer them or if I wanted to back out it would be fine. Once I saw him and he let me know how things were going to go I was fine and had no reservations whatsoever. Head and chin up, and ask those people why they would ask or say such a thing when all you want is positive comments. It works every time.
   — 1968 Loser

December 2, 2006
Normal for everyone is different. I was not nervous about my surgery - I was very excited. When I physically got in the room in they were prepping me .. that's when I started to have a panic attack. Everyone is different.
   — Nicki F.

December 3, 2006
I am 8 days out from surgery. I KNOW exactly what you are going through. I too, have not told a lot of people, I have told my friends and family. Those that I know support me and they all know how much happier and better I am going to feel. I am doing this for not anything but my health. Don't listen to everyone, because I am also excited and can't wait, what makes us nervous is the unknown. Don't sweat what others think or's all about YOU!!!!!
   — Diane C.

December 3, 2006
I felt the same way you did. I tried to get this surgery approved for 2 years, if I didn't know the risks by now I figured I shouldn't be having the surgery. I was wheeled into the operatating room still feeling excited and confident that my surgeon knew what she was doing. So whatever it is you feel when you get closer to your date it has to come from deep inside you. Good luck to you and hope all goes well!!!!!
   — deiben

December 3, 2006
Hey Susan... first of all, congratulations on your upcoming surgery. You will not regret the decision that you have made. I, too, was not nervous the many months, weeks and even days leading up to the surgery. I began to get nervous when I checked into the hotel close to the hospital the night before. I still wasn't really "nervous" when I got there. But, I had this surreal feeling as I was waiting to go into the operating suite, about "this is really happening". Then I got nervous, but the anesthesiologist was great and then seeing my surgeon put me at ease. The drugs didn't hurt either.. LOL.. Right now, just focus on exercising as much as you can... this will jack up your metabolism and help you lose even more weight after the surgery. Also, focus on the liquid diet right now. It will help shrink your liver, thus making it easier for the surgeon and more likely that you will have the surgery laparoscopically. Good luck and happy holidays... keep us updated on your progress.....
   — Kari_K

December 3, 2006
it is perfectly normal to be both anxious and scared. im only 5 days post op and i remember before the surgery i was sooo scared and started to cry when they told me they were ready for me. but, u know what, i got through it. at the hospital, i gained 10lbs i guess because of all the meds and fluids they were feeding me, but since ive been home since thursday, ive lost 14lbs. and beleive me, after surgery u will feel alot of pain. im still feeling some pain but it does get better with each passing day. good luck and just remember, do everything ur told to do by ur doctor.
   — flyerschik77

December 3, 2006
I wasn't nervous until the day before my surgery, then it hit me. I left notes for those I cared about, "just in case," but then I remembered that I had a really great surgeon. I also had a bunch of people praying for me. The morning of my surgery I was suddenly extremely calm. That was in May of 2004. All went well, I lost about 150 pounds, went from a size 26 to a 6/8 and have enjoyed being so very healthy since then. So it is normal to be nervous and anxious, but remember to meditate or pray to try to calm your nerves. And know that it is normal so try not to let it stress you out too much. I believe it was, for me, the best decision I have ever made in my life. Best wishes for health and happiness.
   — djfoz

December 3, 2006
Hi Susan. My problem was just the opposite!! Everyone kept asking me if I was excited, but I was scared and nervous more than excited! All of these feelings are valid and normal and you will probably go through phases of each. Be kind and patient with yourself. Talking to others, a support group, online forums, all will help as your time gets closer. Good luck!
   — Patricia R.

December 3, 2006
Congradulations on your upcoming surgery. I was so excited waiting for mine too. Everyone around me was nervous than I was. The weekend before mine was when I had my case of the jitters. I knew I was going to go through with it no matter what but I was scared. The morning of my surgery I woke up very calm and at peace. I left myself in the hands of a God and a great surgeon. I had my surgery on October 25, 06 and I am down 48 pounds. Good luck and God bless
   — Nicole S.

December 3, 2006
"Normal"? That IS always relative and is such a personal thing...I had my surgery done in July and was NEVER nervous before, during, or after! Other people were more worried and concerned than I ever was! I did a lot of research beforehand and knew what I was getting into and what the risks were et al~I just made sure I did what my surgeon asked and did just fine...:O) NO pain and was home the next morning! I've lost over 100lbs. since last June and still have a way to go to reach goal~Keep Enjoying and being excited about the good life you have waiting for you! Tirana Trish
   — zoeysgrami

December 4, 2006
Hi, and congrats on your surgery. I was NOT nervous before the surgery. I felt it very important to "psyche" myself up before the surgery and to rid myself of any nervous and/or negative thoughts. Of course I did take all preparations necessary in case there were complications or life and death decisions to be family was very supportive and I knew what I was getting myself into. I believe a person's state of mind has a lot to do with their healing process and outlook on life. I suggest you feed your brain positive messages and affirmations, even after the surgery. Don't let anyone bring you down, and talk yourself through any fears you may be having. I wish you success!~~UTE_NDN
   — utendn

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