Too Much Humidity/Water building up in CPAP mask???

Hi... I posted elsewhere about using my cpap. Works great, love it, can actually sleep now....but... I've been having some problems lately. Seems that sometimes my mask will almost fill up with water, and then I'll roll over and just about drown myself. I keep the hose up, the machine is at the right settings have been changed...anyone else ever have this issue? Shanon    — Shanon .. (posted on March 31, 2006)

March 31, 2006
I love my CPAP too, and I've also almost drowned a few times. Is it more humid in your bedroom than it has been? I noticed that when the outside humidity is high, like rainy nights, I get more water (and strange bubbling noises) in my mask. Or if I put too much water in the tank, it will get blown into the hose and then into the mask. Also, check all the air outflow points, make sure they're not clogged. Can you ask your doctor to check it? There are strange membranes and things inside that might have worn out, if you've had it for a while. Maybe a new mask? If none of that works, contact the company that provided your machine, maybe it needs adjustment. Good luck with it!
   — mwilson523

March 31, 2006
Not sure if this will help but they can put a humidifier on your machine and it can either add moisture or take it away. Check with the company that provided you with the machine and they can tell you what to ask your dr to perscribe for you.
   — HubbysBrat

March 31, 2006
its getting to the time of year that u turn off the heat onthe unit for the humidifyer, next you will discontinue the water until fall.
   — walter A.

March 31, 2006
I was told that the machine has to be lower than you while you sleep. So, on the floor or on something lower than the bed. I myself have a very high bed, so I place the CPAP on my dresser. I have never had water in my mask. Hope this helps.
   — RGR123

April 1, 2006
Condensation builds up in the hose because the room air is cooler than the humidified air in the tubing. I bought a "sleeve" that is a quilted material you put your hose into and it insulates the tubing from the colder room air. I bought it from It would be easy to make with quilted material or from heavy fleece and sew it in a tube bigger than you cpap tubing. It works great. Julia
   — Julia W.

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