Anyone have problems post-op with not drinking during a meal?

I have NEVER eaten a meal without a drink and now the surgeon says his guidelines are no liquids 45 minutes before or after a meal. I know from reading other sites that this is a fairly routine request of all bariatric post-op patients. I was just wondering if anyone was like I am and, if so, how did you do with that after the surgery?    — Laura Beam (posted on March 21, 2006)

March 21, 2006
Like yourself I have always had milk or water with my meals and thought it would be impossible to not drink anything BUT now I am willing to do anything to get myself healthy again. I am almost three weeks post op and I no longer drink with my meals. I miss it, I also missing gulping down water or milk, I have a hard time sipping all the time when I really just want to chug a lug a huge class of milk! You will do it, it will be the least of your worries after your surgery. Good Luck
   — jomamma

March 21, 2006
Yeah; yeap, it is the same advice-routine-requirement for WLS all over. If you try to drink during meals you'll not get your nutrients and eat more, thus possibly gaining weight and or not loosing as your doctor's plan for you. WLS causes mal-absorption for the life of the person having the procedure. You will always have to do this, and sip-sip-sip, vitamins, and so on. You probably heard this too. It hard, but do exactly as your doctor say is the best advise for the best results. Your WLS.. "tool" will be with you always and for ever.
   — sor09

March 21, 2006
Laura- the same goes here- I haven't had surgery yet but when I was taking my mandatory classes I started then - I am not perfect but it is getting better-
   — dabby

March 21, 2006
I tend to wait 30-45 minutes before and after a meal too. It's the hardest thing IN THE WORLD FOR ME TO DO! I am forever sitting and counting the time 'til I can have a drink. Something you gotta do to make sure you get the nutrients out of the food that you need to live. Do what you have to do!
   — Nicki F.

March 21, 2006
It is hard for me also! When I get finish eating, my Dr told me to wait about 15-20 min so that's what I do. My mouth is SO dry when I get finish eating so I sometimes take in just enough to swash around in my mouth, it's not very much, not even a sip, just enough to wet my entire mouth. But, I would suggest you do what ever your Dr says.I am 3 1/2 weeks out and down 20 lbs. ~Melissa
   — WannaBSlim

March 21, 2006
it is most important that u follow your surgeons ways right now. If you eat and drink you will fill up on liquids and will not be able to get all of your proteins etc. After a few months you can adjust your drinking. good luck
   — Steve Cohen

March 21, 2006
This is a BIG problem for me. Seems like everyone I talk to that has had WLS has the same gripe. But know that I have 2 friends who are 1 and 2 years post op and can now drink with meals. It's another light at the end of a very long tunnel for me!!! I dealt with the problems of being morbidly obese for 10 years, I can deal with thirst!!!
   — jcrefasi

March 21, 2006
You shouldnt drink with meals because it washes the food thru your pouch and you can eat more. Given that I have observed long term post ops in social settings the vast majority drink with meals. Its nice they can but bad that they do:( The problems and challenges during the early months are very different after the first year
   — bob-haller

March 21, 2006
Two of the other reasons for not drinking before and after the meal is before it would fill your stomach and you wouldn't be able to eat, after it could swell up your food and make you over full and cause dumping. I have no problem with not drinking before the meal but I do take a swallow after I am done eating just to get rid of the dryness in my mouth. Which then I can wait the 30 minutes before I can have something to drink. hope this helps you understand some of the reasons why they request this. And good luck on your recovery!!!
   — HubbysBrat

March 21, 2006
I worried about that as well, but it really isn't that big of a deal. Where I found it most difficult was when I went out to eat...the wait staff looked at me funny and would even bring me water when I would say I didn't want anything to drink with my meal. It made snacking more difficult, thus it was a bonus, if I knew I had to wait an hour or so before drinking anything.
   — Shelia N.

March 22, 2006
I was totally the same way as you. This was and is still hard for me, but I'm mostly successful. Some things I do: 1) drink like crazy all the rest of the time! Really load up while you can. 2) buy a little kitchen timer - I set mine as soon as I finish eating and then don't drink until it goes off, 3) I do my treadmill right after I eat - gives me something to take my mind off it and gets my exercise in at the same time. 4) I use Yahoo calendar reminders and set alarms on my PDA to let me know when to stop drinking before meals. Some of these overlap and for me they need to! This is so hard for me, but it's working.
   — blues-singer

March 22, 2006
I always drank when I ate or I got the hic ups so bad but since my GP I never drink and never get the hic ups either so maybe you will be the same...Good Luck
   — NYCindy

March 22, 2006
Can somebody explain something to me?? I completely understand the part about not drinking after meals because of it washing the food through the pouch too quickly. But I don't get the not eating 30-45 minutes prior to eating part. If you drink a cup of water 15 minutes before you eat, it is not going sit in your pouch. Its a liquid....therefore it is going to flow on through leaving your pouch empty prior to eating. I'm almost 3 yrs post-op and still don't get this logic. Any explanation would be grately appreciated. :)
   — Michelle_S

March 22, 2006
As stated by Carrie, it does cause dumping - I am a witness. Every time I have tried to drink after meals I would bring my food back up(yuck) and it hurts. I learned a lesson after many attempts and now I just don't do it but sometimes the thirst just gets overwhelming. It may be all in my mind that I am thirsty simply because I know that I am not suppose to have drinks with my meals. You will do fine. Take care.
   — jaxbeauti

March 25, 2006
Your not suppose to drink during a meal for the simple reason that food will digest quicker if you do, so to stay full longer and promote that habit, docs say no liquids at meals. You learn also that it is a double edged sword. Drinking while eating when I have a meal leaves less room in tummy for food. Kim
   — Kimberly Felan

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