My abdominoplasty surgery is just around the corner (July 8th)

does anyone have any last minute comments they could give me? What should I expect? I'm scared about the pain after surgery. What kind of clothes should I bring to the hospital with me? Help! Any comments will be very appreciated !    — Jeanette D. (posted on July 1, 2003)

July 1, 2003
I was afraid too, but it turned out just fine, and was much less painful than expected (for me anyway). Here's my best advice: (1) Take your pain pills on time the first week (DON'T be a martyr :) (2) Watch out for constipation due to the pain pills (the WORST part of the whole experiance for me, ending up with an Enema EEEEWWWWWWW!). (3) Remember you will be very SWOLLEN in the beginning, so don't panic and think you're bigger now than ever, because your flat tummy is just around the corner. Bring something loose because your pre-op clothes will not fit you immediately post-op. Good luck!
   — mom2jtx3

July 7, 2003
The abdominoplasty was a very easy surgery. I just had a modified brachioplasty and let me tell you, the pain for that has been MUCH worse then the abdominoplasty. I really could have just used tylenol for the abdominoplasty but I needed full strength heavy duty drugs for the brachioplasty (and still do)!!! I didn't have a lot of swelling with my abdominoplasty but in about 2 to 3 weeks you will DEFINATELY notice a difference in your pants size and you'll be happy!!
   — Patty H.

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