Can you take Energy pills after surgery...and if so....what is recomended?

I always here about how no one has any energy after sugery...from here and friends who have had the surgery. Most say it takes 4-6 weeks to get energy. Can we take any kind of "energy" pills post-op, and if so...what kind? Surgery Scheduled 4/25!    — TRACEY W. (posted on April 6, 2003)

April 6, 2003
I would be hesitant to take any pill that describes itself as an "energy" pill. We get energy from calories. Any "energy" pill will likely have caffeine or another type of stimulant, which can be dangerous. I would just suggest that you take your vitamins as told and expect that you won't have as much energy for a little while since you will be recovering from major surgery. good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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