
   — PAMELA S. (posted on February 20, 2003)

February 20, 2003
My doctor had said to keep an eye on temperature. If your temperature gets over 101 then to get checked out.
   — Sunny4x4chick

February 20, 2003
Keep a close eye on your drain!
   — Michelle B.

February 20, 2003
Yes the drain is good to watch, if you have one. My doc said if I just ate a grape popsicle and the stuff coming out of my drain was purple she was sure I'd be calling her.
   — Dee ,.

February 20, 2003
I had a small leak following my surgery. I experienced fever, had drainage coming from my drain site that was not going into the drain itself, which showed signs of infection, it had an awful smell to it and was black in color. I experienced alot more pain than my 2 friends did who had their surgery about the same time as I did. And alot more fatigue as well. It seemed that every time I drank something it came right out the drain site. A cat scan showed the leak at 3 weeks post op, but I was lucky, it was a small leak aand sealed up on it's own without the need for additional surgery. It did take about another two weeks for that site to finally heal closed on the outside. If you even think you may have a leak, DO NOT hesitate to call your surgeon. swoods lap rny 12/17/02...242/199/140
   — Sheryl W.

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