other than posting on this site, what other ways can i get the word out?

i am part of a new wls group that focuses on personal development issues. how can i get the word out? many people in las vegas have gone out of town for their surgery so it would be impossible to contact all the physicians. any ideas? we are not sponsored by a dr or hospital.    — PATSY N. (posted on January 19, 2003)

January 19, 2003
Try getting some wls bumper stickers, phamplets to give to the doctors or even start with contacting some of the doctors or hospitals and start a support group yourself, enlist running a ad in the local newspaper there are many ways to tell others word of mouth is the best to spread you ideas with others
   — rhondan

January 19, 2003
I live in northern Colorado and I started a support group here. Although it is a small town, the local newspapers in this, and the surrounding areas have a specific section for support groups or community events. Niether newspaper charges anything for running an ad for this reason. Good luck!
   — Laurel C.

January 22, 2003
Just a thought... try the Yahoo Groups. There are alot of WLS sites there.
   — Jacklyn C.

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