What is a C-PAP machine??? and even if it is not suggested to have a sleep study done

Should you have one done to make sure you dont have sleep apnea. I dont even know if I have a total understanding of this disorder...My mother has said that somtimes at night I stop breathing...However, I dont ever wake up gasping for air...I do however, in order to get decent sleep have about three pillows under my that anything significant to this???    — TRACEY W. (posted on January 7, 2003)

January 6, 2003
C-PAP stands for "continuous positive airway pressure", and refers to a machine, used by people with sleep apnea, which uses a continuous flow of air through a mask to keep the airway open during sleep. Although its appearance can be a little daunting, it's a very effective treatment for sleep apnea and can make a world of difference when used properly. You would get one prescribed by your doctor if he/she deems it necessary from the results of your sleep study. They can be rented or purchased. Now, in regard to sleep apnea: you don't necessarily have to remember waking during the night to be a victims of this disorder. Many people who suffer from it can wake up literally a hundred times a night, with no memory of it. The result is exhaustion during the day, often with no apparent explanation (again because the patient doesn't recall awakening from sleep). A good sleep study is really the only way to determine the extent of sleep apnea. I've never had sleep apnea or worn a C-PAP, but I used to set them up for patients, so I know the basics. Have a study done if your doctor recommends it. It can be a very eye-opening experience (pardon the pun!). Good luck!
   — Paula C.

January 6, 2003
Tracey, PLEASE do get a sleep study done prior to your surgery to find out if you have it. Disaster can happen if you go into surgery with untreated sleep apnea and they make no provisions for you having it. Not to frighten you but to stress how vitally important this is please read the memorial I wrote on Ginger Brewster on the memorial page of this website. Best of luck to you.
   — Hackett

January 7, 2003
I used a C-PAP machine for about 4 months; I wish I still had it. I never slept so great. It scared the living cr@p out of me at first - I was in ICU and didn't understand what it was, but once I learned to relax I really enjoyed it. Get the sleep study done.
   — kultgirl

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