
HELP!! I am looking for a place to buy sugar free Tang in the San Diego, CA area. I have been to a lot of stores and no one carries it. Does anyone from the San Diego area know of a store where I can get some? Thanks in advance from OLD RODEO CLOWN PANTS!!    — OLD RODEO C. (posted on August 16, 2002)

August 16, 2002
Doug - When I lived in So. CA, Ralph's special ordered several items for me. They are usually very helpful.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 16, 2002
Hi Doug... I'm not in CA but in DE but we have Shop Rite and Acme who carry it. Not sure if you have one of those out there. Enjoy.
   — AJC750

August 16, 2002
Hi Doug, when I was beginning to search for it,I thought that the stores didn't carry it. But then I found out exactly what I was looking for. It is in the same type of packaging as the crystal lite tubs and located in the same area. Hope this helps and hope you can find it!! Shelley
   — Shelley.

August 16, 2002
Don't know where to get sugar-free Tang, but if you want something similar, buy Kool-Aid and mix it with Splenda rather than sugar. YUMMY!!
   — Terissa R.

August 16, 2002
Hi! In Alabama you can get Sugar Free Tang at the super Wal Mart centers. If you want a drink recipe that makes the BEST drink, slush, popsicle, etc. try this. Mix one little tub of sugar free Tang and one envelope of sugar free cherry Kool Ade in a gallon of water. Talk about Delicious!!!!! Good Luck finding it! If you can't find it I'd be willing to buy it and ship it to you if you want me to. Best wishes!
   — ronascott

August 16, 2002
I am not so sure of California and what stores they have, but I just got some at Meijers. So, if they have meijers there, they just might have it.The number on the bottle is 1-800-431-1002. Maybe they can help you find stores they have contracts with around your area.
   — stacey1273

August 16, 2002
I ordered sf tang from Just be sure to order a couple of them to make it worth it for shipping.
   — Alison N.

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