I am 2 weeks post op and I am on pureed foods and I am afraid to eat anything afraid

to get the dumping syndrome what do I do    — Tanya G. (posted on May 11, 2011)

May 11, 2011
Don't worry about the dumping, at one point or another it's gonna happen. Follow your program and this tool will work for you. You will have to introduce new foods at some point. If you dump, you will know for the next time you won't be able to eat that particular food. I am one year post. Down 140, I dumped 2 times last week, while on vaca. But it's ok, now I know I can't drink beer, eat wet eggs. If you have any other questions just give a holler out. Good luck on your journey,
   — slvbullet

May 11, 2011
Don't worry about the dumping, at one point or another it's gonna happen. Follow your program and this tool will work for you. You will have to introduce new foods at some point. If you dump, you will know for the next time you won't be able to eat that particular food. I am one year post. Down 140, I dumped 2 times last week, while on vaca. But it's ok, now I know I can't drink beer, eat wet eggs. If you have any other questions just give a holler out. Good luck on your journey,
   — slvbullet

May 11, 2011
My surgeon and NUT told me that they introduce new foods for those who may be ready to eat something at a particular point in time. Nothing says you HAVE to eat at a particular point in your recovery. I am 1 yr 4 months post op and down 142 lbs. I didn't "eat" for about 4-5 months after surgery.. just wasn't hungry and the protein shakes filled me up quickly. I still don't "eat" much.. I"ma big fan of soup and still prefer my protein shakes to food. But now and again I can have small bites of something. You'll find what works for you and what doesn't, but do it when your body is telling you that it's hungry (aka ready) for the next step. I still can't eat eggs, most meat (unless it's got a lot of gravy or something to make it wet) and NO pasta. It used to be my vice, but now any pasta or bread (that's not toasted or hard) makes me vomit. It just sits in my stomach like a rock. My recommendation is go slowly and listen to yourself... you will know when you are ready. Good luck !
   — KQinNC

May 11, 2011
I am 3 months post-op & down 70lbs but I was on a liquid diet for 1 month after. I can eat most foods now as long as they are low-fat or low in sugar but I was afraid of a lot of things, too. Especially bread (which was my weak point). Like the others have said before, you need to do what feels right for you. I have dumped a few times but mostly from eating things I probably shouldn't have even tried (a chicken wing, prime rib - way too fatty, ground beef, gravy, eating too fast) but it's how you learn what your body can handle. I've also noticed that something that has made me dump in the past doesn't make me dump now. Just take it slow & chew everything really well. You will do great! :)
   — Tickie

May 11, 2011
You are only two weeks out, please do not worry about eating different foods. At two weeks out I was only having protein shakes and then when I was allowed to eat pureed foods it was only protein. I am shocked your Dr. didn't give you a food plan to follow, mine was awesome. I wasn't allowed to have carbs until I lost 75% of my weight. Just make sure you get in your protein and water. I doubt anyone in here will tell you this is easy, my first year was a BEAR!!!!!!!! I still do not eat a lot of foods.
   — FSUMom

May 11, 2011
BTW, we are not allowed to drink beer, it carbonated!!! Soda and the such will expand your pouch!!!!
   — FSUMom

May 11, 2011
Right now, at least be sure to hydrate yourself. If you don't you will end up with horrible headaches and leg cramps and possible hospitalization. Eat tiny amounts. If you have a Kroger store in your area, they have a yogurt product called Carbmaster. High in protein, low sugar, low calorie. Just eat a few spoonfuls here and there. Just eat a tiny bit. You will find your dumping number I did. Mine is 20. It takes time to learn what you can and can't eat. Give it time, but again, drink drink drink!!! Good luck!!
   — lesleigh07

May 11, 2011
om my where do i start, about a week afetr surgery i started what they said was dumping, but tuesday i found out it was a ulcer, dumping every once in a while is ok, the body is telling you it doesnt like that, but if it gets to everyday all day, get to the doc,
   — dixienormous

May 11, 2011
when you were an infant learning to eat, you were given milk, and not even cow's milk..but formula or breast milk. when you growing body demanded more, you moved on to baby food. then small chunks in that baby food, then finger food, etc. until you were able to eat normally. same principle applies. you are like that little baby and the pain is telling you that you are NOT ready for that kind of food. add liquid or better yet, go back to what your doc orders. it does get better. i think everyone has had moments where they try what they are told not to, just once, or at least do it not on purpose and go...OUCH!! (i had to relearn how to drink!! i was drinking to! painful!) I do not regret having the surgery. NOT.FOR.A.MINUTE. im down 200 pounds and still going. you just hang in there. it can have its bumpy moments..but the ride will smooth out.
   — lady_myst

May 11, 2011
I am 3 weeks post op. I had suger free jello and pudding, and suger free popsicles are a wonder! When you move on the pureed and regular foods- make sure you chew- chew chew! At least 30 times for each small bite. I have gotten sick twice because I am learning what "full" is for me now. It's an everyday battle- but hang in there! You will win!!! I am down 25 pounds in 3 weeks! Good Luck!
   — dagodoe

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