Im prego! i had the band since 9/22/09, im 1month and 2week prego. so scaredto gain

if any one is doing threw this ornew some one who did pleasegive me a idea on what to eat so i dont get fat again.Also can i drink proten drinks if im prego with no problem? Thank you guys for your help.:)))))    — sunrise78 (posted on November 7, 2010)

November 7, 2010
For the health and nutrition of your baby, you will need to have the fluid removed from your band. This is absolutely necessary to insure the baby gets proper nutrition. Protein drinks are fine. You will be more hungry, but stick with fish, chicken, fruits and veggies. Also yogurt, and skim milk for the calcium your baby needs. If you do gain a few extra pounds, it will come right off once the baby is here and you get your band refilled. Congrats on your baby and best of luck!
   — Bonnie H.

November 7, 2010
Congradulations on being pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To insure the health of yourself and your baby, may I make a suggestion? You might want to consider a healthy program like Weight Watchers. No only will you and your baby get the proper nutrition that you both will need, but getting on the scale once a week will help keep your weight loss in check.
   — Kathleen W.

November 12, 2010
I was told you don't have to get all the fluid drain from your band as long as you are able to eat and you are not getting sick. Talk to your NUT and doctor. Congrats!!! On the baby.
   — sjh921

December 17, 2010
I don't have the lapband but had RNY Open at age 24. At 9 months out I got pregnant when I was almost at goal (160 sz10-12) Since I had another baby and am now 7 months with my 4th and last. For the most part it is fact that your pregnancy WILL take anything needed to allow your baby to grow. This means eat what you need to as this allows for the pregnancy to take and you to have something left over otherwise your teeth and muschle will will the first things to sacrafice. For me it was 3 sm meals and 2 snacks watching carbs because of Gest Diabetes despite not bieng overweight at the begining of pregnancy. Most people will gain some pounds despite the wls because the pregancy will take what it needs for the sake of the baby. Cutting back this natural happening risks the health of both of you. Not snacking and excerices during and after will allow normal gain and then loss after. Now Since 2 Preg yes I had the opening stretch,This happens because of the body changes and abdominal pressure pushing up into the stomach and stoma area. Most lapbands have to have thier baloon deflated towards the middle or end to allow for this. It was made smaller with Scelero and worked well to get me back down. With the fourth I am not sure but will be looking into seeing if it is a option again as I am up more with more to have to loose after. At least with the band they can fill it vs. surgery for other types. Good Luck
   — rgreathouse

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