Tube down my throat RNY

I am hearing things about a tube down my throat please someone tell me what this is about    — ladyrdhk (posted on January 19, 2010)

January 19, 2010
Generally they DO put a breathing tube down your throat during surgery....but they put it in AND take it out while you are completely you don't really even know it was there. (though some people do have a bit of a sore, or scratchy throat. I never did, and I've had it many times.)
   — Bev B.

January 19, 2010
Thank you so much that make me feel better but do you know anything about an NG tube
   — ladyrdhk

January 19, 2010
No Worries! I had one 2 weeks ago. They had it out before I even came into the recovery room. My mouth was dry for a day or so. They give you a swab to keep your mouth moist until the anestia wheres off. Get to drink sips of water 2nd day. 3rd day broth and cystal light. Then slowly out comes the JB's and cath and you start to slowly feel better. Then back home on day 4 then recovery and slow to eat but you will get there. I am a little over 2 weeks out. I had mine on Jan. 6th doing better everyday. I walked the first day in the hospital and everyday after and still am. I have lost over 29lbs. and still dropping. YA HOOOOO!!!
   — smokeybonefan

January 19, 2010
Bev is right, nothing to worry about. It is just protocal. When you meet with your anesethesioligist (sp) they will have you open your mouth to look inside and see what size tube will fit comfortably. It isn't some huge tube they just cram down your throat. Don't worry, it will be okay.
   — Kristy

January 20, 2010
No NG don't worry. I've had to have them before, but not for this surgery. I totally understand your concern, but from everyone I know who've done this, I don't know a single one who had to have an NG tube.
   — Bev B.

January 20, 2010
No NG don't worry. I've had to have them before, but not for this surgery. I totally understand your concern, but from everyone I know who've done this, I don't know a single one who had to have an NG tube.
   — Bev B.

January 21, 2010
That tube was one of biggest worries about the surgery. The other was not waking up. But the tube was nothing to worry about. I never even knew it was there. No sore throat or dry mouth. You will be fine. Good luck!
   — tiawillb

January 21, 2010
I had some trouble with my breathing tube. They scratched my uvula (the dangly thing in the back of your throat). It swelled up and made it hard for me to talk / swallow for a few days. After a week it was back to normal. I would guess though that this is not very common.
   — tprapuolenis

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