anyone have extremely low iron

i have very low iron, i had a revision scheduled for july 20, 2009 and they cancelled it because my iron was 8.4 over 24 they said it has to be at least 10.1 over 32 have now idea what that means. so i started to go for iron infusions 3-4 times a week i take all natural blood builders, eat everything under the sun with iron in it and still no increase in iron. now i have a fistula attached to my old and new portion of my stomach that is why i need a revision. any advise would be welcomed. im at my wits end thansk maureen    — maaskoo66 (posted on July 29, 2009)

July 29, 2009
See Vitalady she can help you she helped me!
   — lesleigh07

July 29, 2009
Go see an Internist or your General Practitioner. I have had low Iron for a very long time, Vitaladys Iron is OK but over the counter Feosol is what my Doctors prescribed. Iron can be dangerous If you take to much. It could also be a sign of other things. Not to scare you but mine led to cancer. Go see your Doctor.
   — Kimberly Ten Kate

July 29, 2009
I did not take an iron supplement for the first 2 years after RNY, and ended up in a hematologists office getting i.v. "Dextran" (iron?)pumped into me. I learned my lesson and now I take one Bariatric Advantage, chewable (60mg) daily. My iron level has been good for over a year now.
   — dadebrito

July 29, 2009
If your getting iron infusions, then you are probably seeing a hematologist. I also get iron infusions, started out getting one every 6 months. Now 3 years later once a year or more. It starts with the Ferritin level which are iron stores. When that is down under 10. The Hemoglobin and Hematacrit soon plummet and then you need another infusion. I was told that you can take all the oral iron supplements you want. If your body is not absorbing it, increasing it isn't going to help. If you not seeing a hematologist, then go to one. Good Luck to you.
   — smparker2

July 30, 2009
After surgery my iron was very low - due to the 5 periods the month of surgery. It was annoying as heck. Anyway - I take OTC Vitron-C. It is the highest potency you can purchase with out a prescription. I take two everyday. It only took 2 weeks for my iron levels to get back up where they needed to be. Good luck.
   — jammerz

July 30, 2009
I also had this problem. Iron tablets and Liquids did not help me. I added fresh spinach and broccoli to every meal. This did the trick and helped. My body was able to regulate the fresh Iron from the green produce better than the synthetic tablets. Also by adding it to every meal I got the Iron spread out throughout the day. Hope this helps!
   — Altenburg_Smith

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