
I want to start at least a week on the liquids before my big day arrives to clean out my system for my RNY.(Not dated yet, its for when it arrives)What is the right stuff to use, the right way and what is the wrong way to avoid so I don't start off on the wrong foot to begin my 'new journey' when I have it done. Any advice is greatly appreciated.    — SPIRIT2002 (posted on July 28, 2009)

July 28, 2009
I have not had my surgery yet (hoping for mid-September) but my dr gave me these instructions for a liquid diet to start the week before surgery: Anything that goes through a straw Protein Supplements Sugar Free Popsicles Broth (any type) Low Fat strained cream soup Drinkable yogurt (light/sugar free) NO milk shakes or malts I've been trying protein supplements already to find some that I like. I've found several flavors from that I really like. They have flavors like Caramel Latte and Cinnamon Cappuccino. You can purchase sample packs of Nectar protein or Then you can try them and find ones that you like before you begin your journey. I hope this helps...good luck! Karen
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 28, 2009
When you go for you pre-admission testing your surgeon will give you the diet that he/she wants you to follow prior to surgery. I would suggest that you question the surgeon first. I would also suggest that you try the samples and find one that you like for now. After surgery your tastes change, seems like on a daily basis. What you like now, you may not a month after, so don't overspend on any one item.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 29, 2009
There are so many different answers to this question. Some people are on liquid diets for weeks prior to surgery. My surgeon only required that I be on liquids the day before surgery - prior to that, I could eat anything I wanted. Some surgeons demand that you take harsh laxatives prior to surgery to "clean out your system" but my surgeon only required stool softeners for 3 days, then on the night before surgery, a dose of Milk of Mag. Some surgeons ABSOLUTELY require that you lose 10% of your body weight before they will even consider surgery, but mine only requested that you make an effort to follow a diet similar to the bariatric diet you would be eating a few months after surgery (75% protein and 25% carbs and low in fat) and lose some weight if you could, because if you have a fatty liver, it makes it harder for him to move around inside of you during the procedure. So, it's best to speak with your surgeon, or his/her PA, or if they are available through your surgeon's office, attend the support groups to get an idea of what to do before surgery. My surgeon required this, and at the "NUTRITION" class, we all got big notebooks with 15 tabbed sections explaining everything we wanted to know about the surgery, pre-op needs, post-op needs, groceries to have on hand for when you get home, dressing supplies, in-depth diet advice with log-charts for the first weeks, questions and answers, emergency signs and instructions, resources, articles, and lots of other stuff.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

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