How long after RnY are you able

To eat a small meal. Meaning like the little plate they show you. Not just 1 thing at a time. Maybe a little meat, veggie, etc.    — MyOrchids (posted on June 19, 2009)

June 19, 2009
It was something like 4 - 6 weeks out for me...but all the food had to be soft, like poached fish, well-cooked beans, well-cooked zucchini or cauliflower. And everything had to be cut into portions no bigger than your little fingernail, and you had to chew everything 30 times, or until there was nothing left to chew. You have to remember that there is not much room in your pouch for all these things, so you're talking - in "volume" - half of a one-ounce size cup of meat, half of a one-ounce size cup of beans, and half of a one-ounce size cup of vegetables or fruit. A one-ounce size cup is like the medicine cup that comes with Ny-Quil, or that you can buy at your local liquor store (they use them for "jello-shooters").
   — Erica Alikchihoo

June 19, 2009
Your stomach is only 1 ounce right after surgery. It will not hold much food. It will stretch out (this is normal) just a little, enough for you to eat 8 oz of food but over time. So, there really isn't a time frame, it could be 3-6 months. It just depends on how well you baby your pouch right after surgery. You don't want to stretch it out right away. Just let this process happen naturally. So, really I can't answer that, all people are different. It also depends on what foods you can tolerate after surgery. Most of the time we don't like the same foods we used to pre op. Hope this helps. If you have more questions, please email me. I have a lot of good information for the RNY patients. Kristy -90lbs RNY 3.5 yrs post op
   — Kristy

June 19, 2009
I agree with everyone else but wanted to add at a year and a half out I still eat on that little plate! It has kept me on track! Good luck.
   — lesleigh07

June 20, 2009
Hi! I agree except that I eat smaller meals ..I eat 4 4-5 ounce meals a day. ..However, when I was on the soft food part of the diet I would eat something lets say cottage cheese..and thenext meal might be scrambled eggs, well the third meal i might have a lil of both..for variety. sometimes I had 4 bites each of different things I knew I could tolerate. Best of luck to you! Hugs,kim
   — gpcmist

June 20, 2009
I agree with the other posts escpecially Kim. I am almost 13 months out and have lost 180lbs. I still eat 3-4 small 3-5 oz meals. I can now add a little meat or fish with some beans etc. Try to focus on the protiens. Stay in the habit of portioning your meals. It will become second nature. Even when you eat out, you will learn the proper amount by looking at the food. Try to avoid eating "a little" more and remember after 20 minutes, youre done no matter what is still on your plate!!! Good Luck! Your on your way to a great new life!!!
   — bstubbins

June 21, 2009
At about 3 mos post op is when I had anything that resembled a real meal...My family dined out for the first time at about 3 mos and I ordered an appetizer at a seafood place...I was able to eat 1 large shrimp...a few bites of grilled squash and a nibble of the inside of a steak fry (potatoe) It still didn't quite feel like a meal. But that's when things became more normal for me...
   — .Anita R.

June 22, 2009
For me I don't think I will ever eat like that again. I eat one thing at a time I much variety tends to lead to it coming back up. I rarely eat veg or fruit now. But then my eating has been hard since most meat will make me sick. I do beans or tuna or nuts or cheese. They say I can eat what ever I want but it isn't worth the pain of it coming back up.
   — trible

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