I had my RNY on 3/9/09. When should I expect my first bowel movement?

I've tried the diluted prune juice, but I do not have any urges to have a BM.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on March 13, 2009)

March 13, 2009
You should have had one by now! Milk of Magnesia (MOM) when all else fails MOM knows best! If you do not have one really soon call your surgeon to make sure that he doesn't want you to come in and get checked out! But on a lighter the first few weeks, this is totally normal...4 days seems a bit's probably on it way though!
   — .Anita R.

March 13, 2009
you have to understand, what you take in, you put out- liquid in, liquid out etc. They will be more substantial when you get to pureed, soft foods. Don't expect full on bowel movements for a while. Cindi M.D. Retired -230#
   — DollyDoodles

March 13, 2009
hi i had the same question a few days ago... i had my rny done on the 2nd of march and i didnt have my first bm till yesterday! that was a long time and like you i didnt have the urge or anything so i took the milk of mag. and didnt even drink it all because i felt sick but i did have a bm and thats what i wanted. when i called the dr to ask he was not to concerned because i was passing gas. i hope this helped because i went almost 2 weeks with no bm and now im doing fine! best of luck to you and congrats on your new life!:)
   — esty

March 13, 2009
Had my rny on 3-9-09 also. Have had lots of gas and 1 bowel movement that seemed to be 3 parts toxic waste and 1 part superglue. If the next one doesnt come while on liquids thats okay by me.
   — hapkidodoc

March 13, 2009
The pain meds can make you constipated too. Are you taking the stool softener too while on pain meds? I was given both. I had my rny on the 2nd and was worried too. I finally had my first bm 9 days after my surgery. GL
   — michelle caballero

March 14, 2009
I am almost 10 weeks out lap rny and still do not have bowel movements on my own. When I get the feeling that I need to go but am not getting the urge, I do the following...First I drink extra water and see if that helps, if that doesn't work, the next day I take a colace tablet with lots of water. That usually works for me. I could also take 2 tablets the third day with lots of water if necessary but I haven't needed to. Hope this helps.
   — gramX6

March 14, 2009
I had my surgery done 2/24 and didn't have my first BM for 5 days. My doctor's rn said that was normal but take milk of magnesia if it didn't happen soon. It happened just fine the very next day on its own and they have been fine ever since, just alot more infrequent than before (of course). I wouldn't freak out, but have try that if you don't have one in a day or two. If that doesn't work, I would definitely call your dr.
   — opheliafl

March 14, 2009
I had my RNY on the 10th of March "09. I wasn't having BM's either but I was passing gas. I took the MOM today and glad to know I wasn't the only one to have toxic waste passed, lol.
   — TerSue

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