When can I eat popcorn?

I am 7 weeks out from my lap RNY. I have been doing well and I've lost 39 lbs. My question is when can I eat popcorn?? I'm not talking about the microwave stuff that's high in fat and calories, I'm talking about air popped that I can do myself at home with a popcorn popper. Any ideas?    — iowamom (posted on March 4, 2009)

March 4, 2009
You can most likely eat it now. It is a space waster. So most doctors say to avoid it. Be sure to eat each piece in a couple bites. I have no problem with it.
   — trible

March 4, 2009
My nut said no fiberous food like popcorn for 3 months...As sensitive as my pouch was...I trusted her...You cannot chew popcorn to liquid if you soak it first! LOL There are all kinds of sharp and rough pieces-parts that can irriate a bare (no acid), healing pouch and stoma...Plus popcorn is a filler, and barely nutritious at all. Just trying to figure out how to get in all my vitamins (which were like HUGE snacks to me the first 2 years) and my water and my protein and my nutrition in other food groups besides protein.....I can't even imagine where or when I would have even had time, let alone, room, for popcorn! If you gotta have popcorn, sprinkle some grated cheese on it for some protein at least! :) At 5 years I still can't eat more than a handful of popcorn...My pouch doesn't like it at all...I know many PO grads (a year or more out) that do eat it...I lump popcorn into the old junk food pile, personally...I'm more afraid it is a trigger food for me...If I get addicted to snacking on popcorn and one night I run out, what will I substitute it with? That's a bad thing for me! I am always thinking of nutrition...even when making bad choices...I'll choose a peanut snack (even if they are covered in chocolate before I eat JUST sugar...) We're all still humanly just think ahead to what problems eating filler foods might do to you...such as trigger other bad habits or foods...Just a suggestion!
   — .Anita R.

March 4, 2009
I was SERIOUSLY addicted to popcorn before my surgery in 2006. Afterwards, I avoided it for an entire year while I was in rapid weight loss. I made some and thought I would be able to control it after losing 135# and I was wrong. It was like an alcoholic avoiding alcohol for a year and then thinking I could just have a little. Nope, didn't work that way. I am one of those people that has to completely avoid what I'm addicted to, can't just have a little. I would strongly urge you to avoid it altogether if you can. No nutritional value and high in carbs. It might trigger you to want other carbs that can only lead to bad things. Just my 2 cents. Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

March 4, 2009
You should have healthier snacks high in protein. Avoid carbs at all cost.
   — maria09elena

March 5, 2009
I had some at the movies.Ate one piece at a time.Be careful.
   — Virginia H.

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