Hair loss, protein, gas

Had surgery 10/30/08 doing very well started at 281 down to 223 as of today. My hair is coming out do everyone drink protein shakes everyday, I don't want to over do it and get too much. I try to eat meat doing the day to make sure I'm getting the right amount. Other question does everybody have gas that smell like something died. How can I controll this. Thanks Lajauna    — kaybusk (posted on January 1, 2009)

January 1, 2009
Your hair is probably falling because you're not getting enough protein. If you can't remember how your doctor told you to get in every day, call his/her office. I suppose it depends on which kind of surgery you had as to how rank you're smelling. Go for more walks...that way even if you do "rip a good one", you'll be outside! LOL Sorry but it kinda tickled my funny bone! :)
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 1, 2009
The gas does get better, the smell anyway. Are you taking biotin? Do it everyday it will help some, and drink drink drink lot's of fluid. Can't get enough for the skin, hair and nails!! Good luck on your loss, in a minute you'll be in One-der-land!!!! Lesleigh07
   — lesleigh07

January 1, 2009
I use an internal deodarant called Devron,usually chew 3 - 3 times a day works very well to neutralize the odors.I also suggest u increase your protein intake.The body needs a minimun of 70 grams a day and i don't think we can consume that quanity just from food.(My opinion and experience) I lost 265 lbs and had no hair loss to speak of.I drank 3 sometimes 4 protein drinks a day while losing and after 5 years still do 1 or 2 a day .Good luck you are really doing well.
   — Bette Drecktrah

January 1, 2009
Hair loss and gas is a very common result of RNy surgery. Hair loss can be the result of major surgery--any kind--as it's a trauma to the body. Some women suffer hair loss in child birth too. But the hair does grow back. You'll likely feel fatigue is the first 3-4 months post op too. These are all common issues, as well as your gas. Support groups are an important factor in your post op progress. I attended a support group for the first 7 months post op, losing 100 pounds. I stopped the meetings, as I felt I was "at goal", and I gained 20 pounds in the next 2 months. I now attend 3 support meetings a month--as a part of my personal support system, and have lost 150 pounds from my RNY in the past almost 32 months. It took me 24 months to get to the 150 pound wt loss. I did not note hair loss personally, but gas is a issue on some days--other days not an issue. You should have been made aware of these issues prior to surgery--from your surgeon, nutritionist, hospital consult prior to surgery, or at a support group or seminar you likely attended prior to surgery. Good luck, and protein itself will not cure hair loss. It just takes time. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

January 2, 2009
I agree with Lesleigh and Dave. First, Biotin (a mineral supplement) or Hair, Skin & Nails (a supplement which includes significant Biotin in it) are available at most local drugstores. I get mine at CVS. That has done wonders for my nails as well as minimized the hair loss/thinning. Second, the anesthesia from the surgery does affect people differently. Many people do see hair loss or thinning, but it does regrow. The supplements help, though. Protein is essential, but it won't do it all.
   — Barbara I.

January 2, 2009
Most wls people will have a little or a lot of hair loss after surgery BECAUSE of the stresses of surgery and the sudden rapid weightloss and loss of nutrition, loss of protein. It's a combonation that cannot be given a magic dose of protein to solve the problem...So give it about 3 months! Eating loads of protein is NOT going to suddenly stop the hair loss...It will last approximately 3 months, tapering off as it does...and then it will grow back as your body heals and you are able to eat more and more nutrients. The gas is another side effect of RNY...Your entire digestion system is re-routed and altered...Some foods will produce foul odors or just a buncha noise! I find that foods high in processed carbs or "simple carbs" are the worst on me...and if I over eat as in "grazing" (eating light and munching all day) that also will get me tooting! By morning usually all is calm and digested...So pay attention to what causes your gas to avoid it...Some veggies will often cause this too (cauliflower, broccoli, peas, corn, potatoes ;all kinds, cabbage, mushrooms, cucumbers, dried beans, lentils) All the stuff I like! I take probiotics with these types of foods to add a bloom of healthy flora in my intestines that fight off bad gas producing bacteria (flora)...This often helps and keeps things less rumbly and smelly for weeks at a time by keeping both the bad and good bacteria in balance. (Bad bacteria LOVES LOVES LOVES sugar and simple carbs as it's favorite food) Can't avoid it all the time, but you can control it if you eat healthy and limit gassy food to smaller portions. If it's really bad...I hear that there is a product called Devrom that works great...I have not tired it and can't vouch for it personally and works well for odor but, not the gas itself. You are doing really great! Keep it up and you'll be a little itty bitty thing in no time at all! For really wicked gas too...I hear there are some sort of carbon underwear that absorb the odor too! LOL I'm not knocking it...there are many times I've had to sleep on the couch or in the guest room with an open window so not to offend my poor husband! Or kill myself with the fumes! LOL Who knows, I might try them on a really bad night in the future! So now you know this is all normal! Best things are "prevention and moderation"...Those two words help the RNYer throughout the rest of their lives...Both are learned and are the key to my success, health and weight maintenance! Good luck!
   — .Anita R.

January 9, 2009
One word, BIOTIN. Works wonders. Find it in the vitamin section of your supermarket, or any drug store. Good luck.
   — paulajaneb

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