
Wow, I just got my surgery date for Nov. 17 but for some reason I'm not excited like I'd been for a year trying to get this. All of a sudden I'm just too calm (not nervous ) but not excited anymore but completely and 100% ready for it. Is this common?    — kathysews (posted on October 28, 2008)

October 28, 2008
Kathy I think what you are experiencing is quite normal. I pretty much went through the same thing at first. But as it gets closer to your actual date of surgery, you will become more anxious and excited to get it over with. I had a month to wait from the time I got my date until my surgery and at first it wasn't really a reality. But as the time got closer and I was preparing to go to the hospital and doing all the pre-op things that needed to be done, I got a lot more excited. I have lost 116 lbs since my surgery and I can tell you that it is the best decision that you ever made to have this surgery. It has changed my life so much for the better. I am excited for you and good luck.
   — sunsetyellow

October 28, 2008
I felt the same way, right up until I had my surgery. I just felt so relieved that I was finally taking control of my life.
   — Carlyn M.

October 28, 2008
Yep...and as the date gets closer the nerve endings in your body suddenly come to life and all kinds of emotions kick in...Be prepared for the wave of reality that it's really going to happen...That's when it gets exciting again! LOL I had a year waiting list for my surgeon so I know exactly what you are feeling...I think I didn't want to get too excited in case someone made a mistake...and like I said...eventually it HIT me! Good luck!!!
   — .Anita R.

October 28, 2008
I was the same. I waited 2 years for my surgery and when I got the date I was so ready for it never nervous never scared and I never gave it a second thought I knew that I was in the right hands Gods hands and the date of surgery could never come faster. You are in my prayers Tammi
   — Tammi Sandoval

October 28, 2008
By the time surgery rolls around you will have been through every single emotional experience. You are calm and ready now, but in a while the what if's will start up and then you will get nervous and then you go through, I know they are going to call any second to deny me, and the list goes on. The second part of your question - it's all TOTALLY normal. Good luck and see you on the loser's bench.
   — jammerz

October 28, 2008
Hi Kathy, I smiled reading your post, because I had my surgery 2 weeks ago, and I was in the exact state of mind you're in today! I had read a lot of posts where people were scared, having second thoughts...but my experience was different: I was just not excited any more...When I got my date, I was jumping up and down, but 2 weeks beore THE date, I wasn't not any more...I began to worry that if I didn't care more, I might not be ready to all what will have to be done after, and to undergo a surgey for nothing... But, let me tell you...oh, boy! did it changed after the surgery!!!! I felt like I woke up from this lethargy at the hospital. It became real, and I'm so excited now, and full of energy that I know I did not have the surgery for nothing! So don't you worry about your excessive calm....excitment will catch you on time!!! Congrats on your decision, and let us know how everything goes!
   — ghis31

October 28, 2008
Kathy, I felt the same way. I think I did not want to get too excited, just in case something happened to stop my surgery. Nothing happened, I had RNY 10/10/08 and feel better than I have in years, I am 35 lbs down since starting my pre-surgery liquid diet. Good luck on your journey and keep posting, it helps so much to hear from people who have been there. I am excited for you because THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!!
   — astrong1

October 28, 2008
We are having surgery on the same day! I feel the same way. We are going to be just fine!
   — 3timesacharm

October 28, 2008
Hi Kathy, Same here. I did sooooo much research and worked so hard through the nutrition counseling and then waited on the edge of my seat for the insurance approvals. When I finally got the call, it was almost anticlimactic. Last week I had what someone called the "two-week freak" where I started to get scared and nervous. That passed pretty quickly thanks to some good advice and support on the forums. Now, 6 days before my surgery date, I can feel myself shifting into a "get ready" mode. It's the same thing I do before we go on a vacation or before Christmas etc. I'm all about the lists: what needs to be done at work, at home; what needs to be packed (my surgery is in the US; I live in Canada, we'll be in a hotel for 7 days.) I'm trying to NOT get nuts about the preparation so as to remain "in the moment" as much as possible but that will be difficult for me. In truth, it might keep me from panicking until I'm actually ON the gurney! All I can say is that I'm not going to back out because all these wonderful people on OH are living better, healthier lives on the "loser's bench" and I can't wait to join them! Good luck to us both!
   — Tina G.

October 28, 2008
Hi, Kathy. Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. You and I have the same date. :) I totally understand what you're feeling, as I feel the same. I've been excited and I've been nervous. Now, I just feel so calm it's almost a numb feeling. I'll take that over feeling nervous, though. Blessings, Mary
   — marylaw

October 29, 2008
Actually, I think your reaction is pretty normal. It's a tough journey just getting to the point of getting the surgery approved and scheduled. Now it time to get it over and done with so that the journey can begin. You will be fine, you're just a little seared on the edge and, as your date comes closer, you will probably get very excited. Best wishes.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 29, 2008
Hello Kathy, I too am having my surgery on Nov. 17th. I feel the same way. At first I kept thanking God! Now I still thank him, but I am not walking around with that silly grin on my face anymore. Where are you having your surgery done? I want to say Hi to you on that day. I am having mine done at Austin Surgical Hospital. Grandma Jo
   — johall

October 31, 2008
I know exactly how you feel. My surgery date is November 5, 2008 (just 5 days away) and I, too, had to wait for a while to get the date, not as long as you did, but it was at least 7-8 months. I am so ready for this. I thought I would be nervous, but I surprisingly am not. Hope everything goes well.
   — SweetAsHoney25

October 31, 2008
I know exactly how you feel. My surgery date is November 5, 2008 (just 5 days away) and I, too, had to wait for a while to get the date, not as long as you did, but it was at least 7-8 months. I am so ready for this. I thought I would be nervous, but I surprisingly am not. Hope everything goes well. Bonnie
   — SweetAsHoney25

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