You are my Hero Mom, I will forever miss you

Sorry I don't have a question, just wanted to share. Please read my latest blog. My mom passed away on October 10th, 2008. I was working on a poem for her but I didn't get to finish it because I thought I would have more time. I finished it a couple of days after she passed and went to the cemetary to read it to her and now I would like to share it with all of you.    — k_ibarra912 (posted on October 21, 2008)

October 21, 2008
Dear Kimberly, Thank you so much for sharing your lovely poem and please accept my sincerest condolences for your loss. Keep on putting one foot in front of the other, one day at a time. And keep reaching out. You sound like a wonderful person, and I hope you get your surgery. Bye for now, Barbara W. [aka, Oakroom]
   — oakroom

October 21, 2008
What a beautiful poem. Your mother sounds like she was a wonderful person. I know that you must miss her. She was also a very pretty woman. I love the pictures you posted. You can look at the lovely flowers and think of her. Thanks for sharing with us! God Bless Penny
   — pennyandcj

October 21, 2008
Kimberly, Your words really touched me today, such praise for your dear Mother, but such dark words for yourself. I could feel your pain and struggle. Just take comfort in knowing your Mom is not feeling any pain and breathing the beautiful, clean air in heaven. She can be proud of you as well for quitting smoking so you won't end up like she did. Just imagine how bright your future is going to be. The healthy lungs of a non-smoker, a paid for WLS which in itself is a blessing and a new life without obesity. What a wonderful world it will be for you. My sincerest condolences on your loss and congrats on your upcoming new life, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

October 21, 2008
Kimberly what a beautiful poem, I'm sure your mom loved it. I lost my mom when I was 6 and it's still hard not having her here . God Bless, Debi
   — DEBI R.

October 21, 2008
Dear Kimberly I am very sorry to hear of the loss of your mom, that is a beautiful poem and I am going to pray that God contiunes to give you the strength you need to make it through this tough time. Specialk219
   — specialk219

October 21, 2008
Kimberly, thank you so much in sharing that beautiful poem. I lost my mother 9 years ago and no matter what age you still miss them. This Saturday I lost my husband, in a dreadful car accident, four years ago and it just shows life is so precious and not to take it for granted. You are in my prayers. Diane
   — dyates2948

October 21, 2008
Hi Kimberly ... I lost my mom on February 10th, and I imagine that you must be feeling kinda like I do - like your world has been turned upside-down. There are some days that I still have a hard time believing she is really gone. Please know that I'm here if you ever want to talk. I know what you're going through ... I feel every day like a huge piece of my heart is missing, and I know I'm not going to get it back so I have to learn to live without it. And it's probably the hardest thing I will ever do in my life.
   — lauren_marie

October 21, 2008
Kimberly... Please accept my deepest sympathy for your tragic loss. I lost my Mother at this time last year. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Maggie aka ArkyAngel
   — ArkyAngel

October 21, 2008
Kimberly, Your poem was lovely, I am sure your Mom loved it! I lost both my Mom and Dad within 18 months of each other (Dad 10/2000 Mom 3/2001) and I still miss them every day. The pain does go away after awhile. I promise! Stay strong, the first year is the toughest. I love that you finished the poem, keep writing down your thoughts, it really helps! And do not be afraid to cry openly! That also helps! I will be praying for you.
   — Pittysmama

October 22, 2008
I am so sorry to hear of your mom's death. I know she heard your poem. It is beautiful. Take care of yourself and BELIEVE she is ALWAYS with you!
   — Lisa L.

October 22, 2008
Please accept my deepest sympathy in your loss. I miss my parents so much, with dad going 1/70 and mom going 3/03. Mom and I got to be so close during her later years since she lived with my husband and I before I had to put her in a nursing home. The pain of the loss lessens as time goes on. You learn to adjust your life and yes~life does go on. Sometimes we forget that when the loss is so early. My prayers go out to you. Please take care.
   — Brenda R.

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