1 month out lap rny and I get pain after I eat sometimes please help.....
— alicia128 (posted on July 24, 2008)
July 24, 2008
i am six weeks out from lap band. what kind of surgery did you have?
questions that you might ask yourself are, are you eating within the
guidlines set by your doctor, are you overeating, maybe you need to eat
slower with smaller bites. are you waiting to drink before and after your
meals? measure your pain on that one to ten scale, and if you are over a
five, call your doctor and see what the next step is. sorry that you are
having painful issues. will keep you in my prayers. god bless
— stevenzak
July 24, 2008
Where is the pain? It could be a few things - - you could be taking too
big of bites; not chewing your food properly; eating too fast; or eating
foods that are not proper for the stage you're at. I've experienced the
pain from eating too fast or eating foods that you don't agree with me.
Take small bites, chew thoroughly, and slow down eating - I bet you won't
experience the pain.
— Monte57
July 24, 2008
Im 5 weeks out and usually I get pain from over eating. Sometimes I can eat
alot sometimes I cant but my problem is that I havent found that middle
ground yet... Usually Im ok but sometimes I feel like never eating again!
— Kimberlin Katayama
July 24, 2008
Make sure you are taking tiny bites and chewing your food to
not drink with your may be eating to fast...not chewing your
food good enough and overeating....there is another site you might want to
check out as it is all Lap band and has great information......go to Yahoo
Groups and type in Bandbuddies...the join the group the infomation is so
Pam / Ft Worth....Bandster Bites [email protected]
July 24, 2008
Alicia, I was getting the pains in my left side. Have a high tolerance to
pain so didn't worry, just an irritation to put up with. However it
continued and I called Dr. She went over the same stuff all of these kind
people told you. Slow, chew, drink separately from food, small bites and
watch what you eat. Stay away from fruit for a month or so. Little or no
bread...only wholewheat and only 2 tiny bites. Hold the line on bread. No
solid meat yet, salte in liquid (turkey, hamburg,chicken) and put in soup
to help it down without getting stuck. If you do these things, your pain
will disappear. Mine was gone in 6 hours. Good luck. Lyn
— SkinnyLynni2B
July 25, 2008
The first several months are still a healing phase...and some foods will
just bother your pouch more than others...Some things that used to be a
satisfying food will become ones that cause you pain to eat...Or don't
taste right anymore and make you feel a little nauseas...Most of the time,
you will notice that these are food high in sugar or fat (natural or added)
to include milk and cheeses, anything acidy like tomatoes, most fruit, raw
veggies, onions, garlic, some spices, and meat etc....This is why for the
first stages, everything you eat should be soft, smooth textured and easily
chewed, high protein and low fat....I remember thinking I'd never feel
"right" after I ate...Stick with things that don't bother you and
give it time to try the things that do seem to bother you, because over
time, you will tolerate more acidy foods...You might also cut back on your
portion by just a mouthful and spread out eating it in 20 minutes...Do this
by chewing all your food at least 20 times before you swallow (even if it's
pureed or very soft..."Chew" you protein drinks too. This
releases saliva enzymes and helps aid in digestion right in your mouth and
that helps tremendously! You pouch doesn't have a whole lot of acid anymore
and some foods can hit your pouch like a rock. So ..See if any of that
helps...STOP eating when you feel satisfied...(no longer hungry at all)
EVEN if there is still food on your plate. WLS means you no longer have to
finish everything on your plate! It's not your mother's plate anymore! LOL
It does stop after a while, but until then, you are gonna have to try
different things to see what works until you are completely healed...That
takes a while! Good luck and I hope you feel better!
— .Anita R.
July 27, 2008
Call your doctor for medical advice
— Susan C.
October 1, 2009
I am one month out from lap band. I am doing well in all areas but one.I
still have pain in the left shoulder no matter how much gas medicines I
take.Is this a side effect?
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