Anyone on Straterra

Any one on Straterra? How has it helped you? I have problems concentrating and finishing things. I had RNY on Sept !8, 2007. Thanks to all who respond.    — nanacindy (posted on May 25, 2008)

May 25, 2008
dont have answer but what is that
   — sybiliowa

May 25, 2008
My grandson takes it and he does fine, no problems, the only side effect is he loses weight, no matter how much he eats.
   — dyates2948

May 25, 2008
Those can be symps of other things too, did you see a psychiatrist who diagnosed you with something in particular to put you on straterra? My daughter was on it for a while too but it didn't help her but everyone is different.
   — brandyII

May 25, 2008
Yes I have been on it since 2005, no problems. Doc says should be no problems using after surgery. May lower dosage at first it feels like u drank a big pot of coffee but goes away in a few days. Good luck Tammi
   — Tammi Sandoval

May 25, 2008
I don't take it yet. My Neuro pshy doctor wants ne to take for your same issues and I also have that attebtion defcit disorder. He things I will function better during the day. One side affedt is loosing weight and that is a good thing for me. My neice is 13 years old and has been on for a few months and she dose not need to loose weight. She was getting to tiny so they took her off of it. I am going to start taking it next week when I see my PCP,,,,
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 26, 2008
Maybe it is not the right medicine for you. Ask if there is something else you can try. Or maybe the dosage is not right. I suffer from depression and mood disorder (bipolar) and you would not believe the differant meds I have tried and disliked the side affects. Good Luck!
   — Toni Todd

May 26, 2008
I have been taking Straterra for a while now for my ADHD. I take it for the concentration portion. I am very happy with it. I also take an antidepressant for the severe mood swings. I have not had the bypass yet. I am schedule for June 3rd. I have talked to my doctor and I am prepared to adjust my meds post op. I don't know how the straterra will fare as it is dispensed in capsule form. Good luck
   — Marianne R.

June 1, 2008
What an interesting question and history. It is nearly identical to mine. I did not try Strattera, but was on Provigil and Ritalin at the same time, and they did nothing to keep me awake. I have been so so many doctors and have had so many tests, and they don't know why I am so sleepy. If you are interested in exchanging conversations via email, please let me know. Thanks.
   — Ruby B.

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