Liquid Shakes! before and after RNY?

My doctor hasn't, and will probably will not put me on a liquid diet before surgery. But, I think I should just because I have read it's better for surgery. What kind are the best, but affordable to buy for before and after surgery??? Reason why I say my doc will not put me on a liquid diet before surgery is because my pre-op appt is May 12th and my surgery is May 14th.    — StormChaser77 (posted on April 25, 2008)

April 25, 2008
I wasn't on a liquid diet until the day before and then after midnight on the night before I could have nothing. Everything went wonderful. I even had my galbladder out at the same time.
   — Claudia C.

April 25, 2008
I guess each doctor has their own opinion. I will be on 3 carnation instant breakfast ( sugar free, blue box) shakes a day and one little meal like a smart ones or lean cuisine. That is a quick pre op! good luck with everything...Take care...
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 25, 2008
Your surgeon may very well put you on the liquid diet at your pre-op appointment. 2 or 3 days can make all of the difference. Mine was a clear liquid diet, not just liquids pre-operatively so it was limited to SF popsicles, SF jello, Propel not Gatorade, low sodium chicken broth, crystal light, water. Good luck to you, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLc
   — DawnVic

April 25, 2008
My doc put me on a three week liquid diet and I have lost 15 lbs. (I am near the end of my third week). Every day I drink 6 Boost Glucose Control chocolate shakes plus 3 food items, such as SF pudding, SF yogurt, cream soup or thinned mashed potatoes. The Boost shakes are about $9 for a six-pack. What's great about the diet is I have already lost all interest in food. I can cook meals without the urge to nibble and have no interest in the Friday doughnuts at work. Pretty cool! Good luck to you!
   — gclark918

April 25, 2008
I like Unjury, ot to and you can order same pack to taste before you buy a larger syupply for after surgery. Most of the over the counter have a lot of sugar or not enought protien.
   — William (Bill) wmil

April 25, 2008
Thanks everyone! You guys have been very helpful...
   — StormChaser77

April 25, 2008
As we speak I am on a liquid diet waiting for May 5. I have to choices: 1) sf carnation instant breakfast 8 8oz servings a day, all the broth i can eat with sf jello and sf popsicles. 2) low carb slim fast 4x day also includes broth and jello and popsicles. I lost 22lbs prior to starting this and have been on this since Tuesday and have only lost 1lb and am constipated - so hpefully my body will get out of shock and start dropping. Best of luck to you on your upcoming surgery.
   — bikermama

April 25, 2008
Hi Mandy I asked a similar question a few weeks back. There are many good liquid shakes out there Unjury, SF Instant Carnation, Muscle Milk, Adkins, Slim Fast. The one that I found that was most inexpensive was the SF Instant Carnation. Before deciding to do RNY, I signed up with the South Beach Diet and purchased the Soy Protein Shakes to try. Good Luck. I go for my appt on May 13th and surgery is May 28th and I will do the shakes then. Good Luck to you!! Tammy
   — tayee24

April 25, 2008
Most of those protein drinks are not well liked or tolerated by so many people. It's a constant question...and the truth is you will have to find the one that you like and you can tolerate. Before surgery, you might like one..and after surgery it might make you don't buy too much of one thing. Many protein sites will send you free samples. Go directly to the manufactorer and see about samples...Some Vit and Supp sites also send out free samples. Next time I find some really good ones, I'll post them...Until then, you might want to explore a little online or ask at your local vit store retailers. Here's one to start with 1-877-974-2537 (call and ask them to send you free samples...They send five!)
   — .Anita R.

April 26, 2008
I have my surgery April 29th and am on a one week liquid diet. With an intake of 800-1000 calories a day. I use 2 GNC 100% whey protein shakes with 1% milk twice a day and GNC womens nutrition protein shake (has all the vitamins except B and Iron that I need in one shake). Nutritionist said that the vitamin shake is great for all my vitamin needs fits them. Plus water and crystal light the rest of the day which I have lost 5 pounds so far. I have found if I space my shakes out just right I don't get hungry. Part of the reason most doctors have you do the diet is to shrink your liver to make sure it is out of the way during surgery. I must say only 3 days to go and I am getting nervous!
   — Melanie C.

April 26, 2008
My dr. sisn't put me on a liquid diet prior to surgery either. But told me to eat a high protein low carb. Then nothing after midnight before surger. I ate and Atkins style diet for two wks, cleansing my body of the suger and carbs. He said this would help shrink the liver. I was allowed a "last" meal the night before. And ate anything i wanted. Steak, Lobster, at a mexican rest. with all the trimmings. It was great. My surgery went fine. Good luck and God bless.
   — Kristi H.

April 26, 2008
I purchased the protein powder that Walmart sells for 11.97 in vanilla. I use the Torani sugar free syrup with it. You could probably use some koolaid sf powder to flavor it too. (a little splenda if you need it) You have to stir/shake it often cause some settles but it is not bad at all. I bought one of the blender balls from GNC, their brand is only $4.99. I just close the cap and shake before I sip it. My doc did not suggest a liquid diet but after finding so much info on forums I knew it is the best thing to do to be proactive in my outcome. My surgery is May 12th with preop on the 6th. So I started liquid diet today to get a great headstart. I also started taking biotin 1000mcg 10 days ago to help prevent hairloss which is associated with WLS. Got those at Walmart, very cheap. After surgery I will switch to the melt away ones for a few bucks more. Blessings to you as you begin your new journey.
   — texast

April 27, 2008
Every doctor is different,but it does 2 things if you do go on one before surgery. Mainly shrinks the liver before surgery so that they don't knick it during the procedure. If it is enlarged and they do knick it then they MAY have to open you up on the table. The other thing it does is it gets you ready for the after surgery diet. I did have a couple days where I ate a couple of things I shouldn't have but I stayed on it for the most part and had no problems. It made the drastic change in diet after the surgery much easier though for me.
   — redlilies

April 27, 2008
I've been on the liquid protein drinks for 2 1/2 I think weeks post op. I use it instead of breakfast in the morning or instead of food at lunch time. I buy at walmart the EAS Advantage shakes. it's like 6.95 for 6 shakes. They come in vanilla, chocolate, mocha, and strawberry. My favorite is vanilla.
   — Danielle T.

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