Baby after bypass

surgery 3/04, lost 130 from 285, baby 9/06, want to know if anyone has been able to get back on track after a baby after bypass. I am at 180 now. and need to loose 30 more. HAVING PROBLEMS GETTING BACK ON TRACK.    — T. Alford (posted on January 15, 2008)

January 15, 2008
I am in the same boat as you. I had 2 babies after bypass (my babies are 11 months apart), and I still have 17-20 pounds to lose. After the first baby I bounced right back into my skinny jeans. (but since I was only not pregnant for 3 months in between I started gaining again). Anyway--my surgeon told me that this weight should come off gradually, and he said he was not disappointed if I stayed at this weight. So don't beat yourself up too bad, just look at where you came from (285). That is what I do (I started at 369).

January 15, 2008
congrats on your baby!!! from what i understand the weight can be lost again it just takes harder work. you have to go back to the basics and eat right and of course exercise to get it off. stay focused and do your best to work at it and you will loose it. you did it one time so you can do it again. good luck and i hope this helps...Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

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